
What games do you like?

bsb333bsb333 Bscotch Posts: 111 Butter Churner
Well since there is a "music what do you like overhere" thread I thought there should also be one for gaming. While I guess that people have already talked about this in other discussions I think it doesn't have its own. 

I thought this could be a  thread about:

- favourite games
- most anticipated games 
- and suggesting games to others 

So I guess I'm gonna start

My first real gaming system of my own was the gb advanced and my second game on it probably is one of my favourites: Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga. There is just so many memories i connect with it.

Upcoming games i'm really excited about are:
-super smash wii u (only a few more weeks :smiley: )
- xenoblade chronicles x
- the upcoming legend of zelda
(Guess you startet to see that I'm into nintendo)
- and also the witcher 3 ( really have to upgrade my pc though)

mobile games:

We of course all do love bs games (do i even have to mention that i m excited for crashlands?) 
You should also check out pixel dungeon if you like roguelikes. It's one of the best games i know for Android


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    UlnarevernUlnarevern Bscotch, Moderator, Tester Posts: 318 mod
    Here we go!
    I'm a PC gamer even though I played (and still own) PSOne and PS2. I never have had a portable console. And I'm unable to play recent games (I've a 2009-ish rig that I plan to change in late 2015, with an Intel Skylake proc if I can, DDR4 will be cheaper and all)

    Favorite games:
    Crysis. My first beautiful game and still the best for me
    D&D based games (Baldur's Gate I and II, both Neverwinter Nights and Dragon Age)
    Crash Bandicoot, Spyro and Ratchet and Clank
    The Elder Scrolls, mostly Morrowind (I spent countless hours on it)
    The Witcher series
    Supreme Commander and Total Annihilation.
    Unreal Tournament series, mainly 2003&2004
    Dark Messiah. Old but gold, even more in a LAN game
    Kingdoms Of Amalur: Reckoning
    Child Of Light

    Yup, I love a lot of games but each of them is different.

    Upcoming games:
    The Witcher 3. I fell in love with the universe and the BADASS Geralt.
    Unreal Tournament 4. Going to rock if they really develop it with the community
    Dragon Age 3 is making me curious

    Mobile Games
    Oh, how I love Bscotch games!
    I tried Pixel Dungeon but it's too hard for me X)

    You may try Dark Messiah. The solo is entertaining and the multiplayer is great (but no one plays it anymore :\ )
    SpellForce is seriously a great game, one of the first that mixes RPG and RTS

    Nothing else for now :smile: 
    French, low end phone, low skill early access tester. Or something like that. Or absolutely nothing like that.
    I also spend my time editing my own posts because it's a nice community here.

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    bsb333bsb333 Bscotch Posts: 111 Butter Churner
    I have to agree with you on skyrim and ratchet and clank. Great game series ^^
    Never got to play the witcher and dragonquest but i ll definitely play them once i get  a new pc :) ... probably also late 2015  i guess

    And pixel dungeon is open source now and there is an easier version of it (didn't check it out though)
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    fatbardfatbard Bscotch Posts: 50 Butter Churner
    My past favs that I could come back to are:

    chrono trigger
    final fantasy tactics
    phantasy star online
    unreal tournament
    zelda: a link to the past
    super mario 3
    super mario world
    warcraft 2/3
    tons more surely

    Recent games I've enjoyed are:

    Spiral Knights - If zelda four swords and PSO got together, really good FTP model too. It's pay to not grind as much, but the grinding isn't obnoxious, and you'll want to spend money once you start really doing endgame stuff. I ended up paying $40 on the game and I never felt I was being ripped off or that I had some unfair advantage over my teammates. They unfortunately haven't released new content in years, but for a new player it would still be real fun.

    Insurgency - Hardcore FPS, no UI, die in 1-3 bullets. You don't even know when you've killed someone. Serious mind games when you're playing this ("did I kill that guy?" ...15 secs of silence... "OH CRAP I DIDNT AND HES FLANKING ME!!") Once you stop dying and understand the maps it's a blast with a coordinated team.

    Patrick Crecelius, part of the game scoring and FX duo Fat Bard. Currently working with BScotch on Crashlands and Narwhal Online.


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    bscotchsethbscotchseth Bscotch, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 508 Developer
    I pretty much just play the crap out of MMOs, even though I don't have enough time to thoroughly enjoy them these days. But I find them the most amazing out of anything the games industry has produced. Persistent worlds where you can roam around and explore, team up with your buddies and fight giant things, and beat the crap out of other players, all while looking like a total badass? SIGN ME UP!

    Butterscotch Shenanigans
    Games Programmer

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    fatbardfatbard Bscotch Posts: 50 Butter Churner
    Ab MMOs. I remember the first time booting up PSO on the Dreamcast and going online, it was awesome. Complete with clan drama too! The first Planetside was amazing at first too; don't really like the new one. City of Heroes was the last MMO I was real into. I almost got into World of Warcraft but my younger brother had some serious addiction issues with it so I decided not to touch it.

    I like the idea of MMOs but I rarely enjoy the combat. Also as Seth mentioned the time commitment is insane for a working married adult. One day when the Internet is crazy fast they'll make an MMO that has power loops but also almost equal skill loops, where actions happen immediately and reflexes are important. Where watching a group of heroes fight actually is entertaining to see. No eating a bag of potato chips while hitting a pattern of skill keybindings during combat! Ill play that MMO for sure.

    Patrick Crecelius, part of the game scoring and FX duo Fat Bard. Currently working with BScotch on Crashlands and Narwhal Online.


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    CyberKlown28CyberKlown28 Bscotch Posts: 48 Babbyscotch
    edited November 2014

    Fire Emblem
    Rondo of Swords
    Team Fortress 2
    The Battle for Wesnoth
    Assault Cube
    NBA Jam
    The Elder Scrolls

    And others I'm forgetting...


    The Witcher 3
    Mortal Kombat X
    Best Little War Game
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    bscotchsethbscotchseth Bscotch, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 508 Developer
    PattyC said:
    Ab MMOs. I remember the first time booting up PSO on the Dreamcast and going online, it was awesome. Complete with clan drama too! The first Planetside was amazing at first too; don't really like the new one. City of Heroes was the last MMO I was real into. I almost got into World of Warcraft but my younger brother had some serious addiction issues with it so I decided not to touch it.

    I like the idea of MMOs but I rarely enjoy the combat. Also as Seth mentioned the time commitment is insane for a working married adult. One day when the Internet is crazy fast they'll make an MMO that has power loops but also almost equal skill loops, where actions happen immediately and reflexes are important. Where watching a group of heroes fight actually is entertaining to see. No eating a bag of potato chips while hitting a pattern of skill keybindings during combat! Ill play that MMO for sure.
    I believe this is why so many people play League. Each game lasts 20-40 minutes, and that's all you gotta put in at a single point in time. No 4-hour raids, no month-long reputation grinds... just straight-up skill-based PVP combat, with some power loops thrown in.

    Unfortunately, I haven't gotten into it yet, but it seems like something I'd like if I could get over the play style: "CLICKCLICKCLICKCLICKCLICKCLICKCLICKCLICKCLICKCLICKCLICK"

    Butterscotch Shenanigans
    Games Programmer

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    fatbardfatbard Bscotch Posts: 50 Butter Churner
    @BscotchSeth‌ I completely agree. I think a lot of folks who would've been the target demographic for MMOs have been swayed by MOBAs. I don't really like the RTS format of League or DOTA, but I'm hoping new hybrids like Overwatch will be fun and accessible.

    That's the biggest problem with eSport games like MOBAs: they take hundreds of hours to fully understand. Only MOBA gamers can watch a big team battle replay and enjoy it. Anyone can watch a soccer goal and get excited. It's obvious what's happening even if you don't know the ins and outs. The only way eSports will be taken seriously by the mass public is if anyone can watch and get excited about what they're seeing. I know some might say that MOBAs are so big, who cares if the public likes it, but I think the trend is moving from eSports being a niche nerd thing to a mass public cool thing, it will just take a few key games to get there.

    I'll play a competitive PVP game with power loops if it's immediately accessible; that requires less playable character archetypes and more skill based play. If I can't contribute something to my team the first few times I play then I'm out. I know there have been some games moving towards this (Awesomenauts, Monday Night Combat, etc), but instead of just taking the MOBA format and making it control and look different they should be taking the spirit of the game design (team coordinated combat, power loops, short gameplay "rounds") and putting that into a genre that is more skill based.

    Patrick Crecelius, part of the game scoring and FX duo Fat Bard. Currently working with BScotch on Crashlands and Narwhal Online.


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    bscotchsethbscotchseth Bscotch, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 508 Developer
    The tricky part about eSports stuff is that it's really hard to "force" it... Lots of companies have tried making games with the intention of having them be eSports games, but it just never panned out, because you also have to build a lot of infrastructure into the game to allow for spectator mode, live streaming (with a delay), and lots of other stuff.

    My personal favorite game was Tribes: Ascend, which had TONS of potential for eSports stuff, and HiRez tried to push it that way... But they never got a decent spectator mode in, and they kept breaking the game balance in order to push IAPs, and their competitive scene slowly drifted away.

    Nowadays the game has maybe 200 people playing it at any given time. Enough to get a match in, but that's about it.

    Butterscotch Shenanigans
    Games Programmer

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    fatbardfatbard Bscotch Posts: 50 Butter Churner
    edited November 2014
    Yep IAP totally ruins competitive PVP if not done right. Its hard because theoretically an eSport should have a low entry cost, to make it something anyone can get into and build a player base, but then the dev is forced to use IAP to monetize. As long as folks are happy paying for cosmetic changes instead of actual buffs then it works, but I feel like the game has to be crazy popular to make that idea work. Hard to get that going as a startup I'd imagine.

    However, I'm just a gamer and not a dev or business analyst, so I'm kinda talking outta my butt here :).

    OKAY BACK TO SUBJECT. Damn MOBAs/MMOs  and their polarizing discussions. What games do you all like?

    Patrick Crecelius, part of the game scoring and FX duo Fat Bard. Currently working with BScotch on Crashlands and Narwhal Online.


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