Hey guys
I got all the jectiles and augments i could found - but there's still one i couldt get.
The wiki says, there's a twitbird - but I can't see any twitbird - what could I do - just wanted to have the feeled 100 % of the game.

€dit: is it another jectile maybe? Where to find this thing?
The Twit bird has between replaced with the Butter Beast (they work the same, just re-skinned). You get it for logging on with BscotchID.
So @bscotchSam came up with the Butterbeast as a free pet for logging into Quadropus and as a free 'Jectile for logging into TF2. We haven't (yet) come up with a place for it in Crashlands, but on the other hand Crashlands is going to be designed around our new free-to-try premium model so we don't need as many reasons for players to simply log in (because they'll have to log in to buy the game, and they'll WANT to buy it!).