hi scotchbrothers,
The first excerpt the appstore displays for the game reads like a very very bad auto translate of a funny English text.
I am not sure if google auto translates or if you guys put the text up there.
It says: "Statten Sie Ihre Rakete, schießen Spaceducks, und explodieren Worms auf Ihrem Weg zu SPAAACE!".. this is really just gibberish.
The rest of the app description after the "read more" is in english (so that is fine, at least for me).
But you might want to do something about that first impression.
"Baue Deine Rakete, schieß auf Weltraumenten und jag Würmer in die Luft auf Deinem Weg in den Weltraum!"
(that's my translation from gibberish to German for that sentence)
Have a nice day,
And also nice to have you here!
P.S. i think it would be even better like this: Vebessere deine Rakete, schieße auf Weltraumenten und jage gigantische Würmer in die Luft. Erlebe das und vieles mehr auf deinem Weg ins Weltall
I also spend my time editing my own posts because it's a nice community here.
I had no idea that it auto-translated the tagline. That sucks.
I added a German localization (could take a few hours to show up) using your translation. The tagline can only be 80 characters, so I condensed it to: "Vebessere deine Rakete und schieße auf Weltraumenten auf deinem Weg ins Weltall." I Google-Translated the rest and made edits until it translated right back to English nearly perfectly. If it still looks like garbage let me know!
I also spend my time editing my own posts because it's a nice community here.