This is how ice is made.

bscotchsambscotchsam Administrator Posts: 106 Developer

Took some snips as I imported the ice for the upcoming Tundra biome and slapped them in a gif. About 1.5-2hours of work, figuring out how to make these faster is the next step.

The one on the left is the starter - a duplicated version of it is used for the other two until its finished, then I repeat the same process to get the two new ones simultaneously.


  • bscotchsambscotchsam Administrator Posts: 106 Developer

    and some context, next to frigid water.

    ICY.PNG 108.5K
  • bscotchsethbscotchseth Bscotch, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 508 Developer

    Butterscotch Shenanigans
    Games Programmer

  • bscotchsambscotchsam Administrator Posts: 106 Developer

    That would be damn cool if it formed in game! But alas, that'd probably turn your phone into molten slag. That's just me making them over 12 iterations.

  • InferiorPickleInferiorPickle Bscotch, Tester Posts: 50 Butter Churner

    dayumn, I would love it if it actually turned the water into ice!!!

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