Fatal crash from unknown structure!

JoeyMaruJoeyMaru Bscotch, 8-Bit Dev Piper, Tester Posts: 31 Babbyscotch
edited October 2014 in Crashlands Alpha
Hey dudes!

I think I found a real one this time!

So, I have this weird structure in my inventory that I did not make.
Out of curiousity of what it was, I tried to place it on a thatched sawfloor, it shot me an error message, and the app closed.
Here is a screenshot of the structure.

It is the one I have selected in game.

Here is the error alert I got before it crashed.

I also submitted a bug via the feedback button in game too!


  • bscotchAdambscotchAdam Administrator, Moderator, Tester Posts: 399 Developer
    @JoeyMaru‌ Now THIS is a good bug report!

    Seth's patch (in Google Play's tubes) fixes it, as well as some other bugs. Check out his Hotfix notes.
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