Crashlands Patch v0.0.171 Incoming!

bscotchsethbscotchseth Bscotch, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 508 Developer
v0.0.171 Patch Notes
Patch Codename "Salami Garfunkel"
  • Bug Fixes
    • The pause menu should no longer do crazy things to your buttons.
    • The game will no longer crash if you click on a creature stable (or other such things).
    • You can no longer consume stuff while dead. Weirdo.
  • Balance
    • Creatures now have a 5% chance to appear injured, up from 4%.
    • The frequency of Wompits has been reduced somewhat, and the frequency of Glutterflies has been increased.
    • Telepads are now found slightly more frequently.
    • Recipe scaling has been udpated. Things in lower tiers will be cheaper, and things near the end of the game will be slightly more expensive than before.
    • Potions and consumables no longer cost a crapton of stuff to make.
  • Quality of Life
    • There is now an autosave feature that will guarantee your game is fully saved every 30 seconds, rather than at intervals in which you actively triggered it through certain... events.
    • Telepads now auto-activate; you don't have to slap them anymore!
  • Optimization
    • Shrunk the surface used for the lighting at night, which MIGHT ease back on the slowdowns at night on some devices.
  • Interface
    • Your pet now has its own spot on your interface at the top left.
Patch is being deployed to Google Play within 10 minutes and should propagate within 2 hours. So, the patch should be available for everyone by around 3pm UTC-6.

Butterscotch Shenanigans
Games Programmer


  • UlnarevernUlnarevern Bscotch, Moderator, Tester Posts: 318 mod
    That sounds great :D
    French, low end phone, low skill early access tester. Or something like that. Or absolutely nothing like that.
    I also spend my time editing my own posts because it's a nice community here.

  • UlnarevernUlnarevern Bscotch, Moderator, Tester Posts: 318 mod
    It's already in if you are wondering.
    French, low end phone, low skill early access tester. Or something like that. Or absolutely nothing like that.
    I also spend my time editing my own posts because it's a nice community here.

  • bscotchsethbscotchseth Bscotch, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 508 Developer
    WOOO that was timely!

    Butterscotch Shenanigans
    Games Programmer

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