What is your favorite faction theme in Narwhal Online?

fatbardfatbard Bscotch Posts: 50 Butter Churner
edited October 2014 in Narwhal Online
Hey folks, Patrick from Fat Bard here, asking you "which faction has your favorite jam?". One cool thing about the game is that each faction has their own music for your listening pleasure as you slash and dash your way through some nasty baddies. The voting is anonymous so don't worry about betraying your own faction by voting for someone else :). If the game goes to a full release we plan to revamp some of the music and add a good deal more, so we'd like some feedback from you all. Here's a link to the bandcamp page to check out each factions music: http://fatbard.bandcamp.com/album/narwhal-online

Patrick Crecelius, part of the game scoring and FX duo Fat Bard. Currently working with BScotch on Crashlands and Narwhal Online.


What is your favorite faction theme in Narwhal Online? 11 votes

Red Faction
9% 1 vote
Blue Faction
27% 3 votes
Green Faction
63% 7 votes


  • bscotchsethbscotchseth Bscotch, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 508 Developer
    Blue for shizzle. I'M A LUCK DRAGON!

    Butterscotch Shenanigans
    Games Programmer

  • R4V3NR4V3N Bscotch Posts: 40 Butter Churner
    I'm loving the main menu music for green, how would I go about listening to the other factions?
  • bscotchsethbscotchseth Bscotch, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 508 Developer
    There's a link to the album in the OP!

    Butterscotch Shenanigans
    Games Programmer

  • R4V3NR4V3N Bscotch Posts: 40 Butter Churner
    edited October 2014
    Oh the shame, in my defence I have been awake in excess of 24hrs. Of all the tunes the main menu music is by far the best, with green theme being second and red victory third.
  • fatbardfatbard Bscotch Posts: 50 Butter Churner
    There is some serious prejudice going of against Red lol. Seth is totally biased towards the Blue team because that song reminds him of the Neverending Story. It's got an 80's fantasy vibe going on at the start fo sho.

    Patrick Crecelius, part of the game scoring and FX duo Fat Bard. Currently working with BScotch on Crashlands and Narwhal Online.


  • bscotchAdambscotchAdam Administrator, Moderator, Tester Posts: 399 Developer
    @PattyC‌ BAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I want to frame this.
  • TimConceivableTimConceivable Bscotch, 8-Bit Dev Piper Posts: 114 Butter Churner
    @PattyC‌, Red's theme is pretty sweet too, but just not as sweet as the blue and green themes.  so it's still good to play on the red team, but i'm kind of sad i don't get to hear the other themes while playing.
    [ [ i make stuff ] ]

  • fatbardfatbard Bscotch Posts: 50 Butter Churner
    Yeah as cool as it is to have your own music as you slice and dice there might be some changes in a final version of the game. Everybody would probably have the same level and boss music, with faction specific music coming in a certain points. That way there would be a little more consistency between everybody's experience while still maintaining some identity with your faction.

    Patrick Crecelius, part of the game scoring and FX duo Fat Bard. Currently working with BScotch on Crashlands and Narwhal Online.


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