What game should be a movie or tv show first?

ceanjiceanji Bscotch Posts: 23 Butter Churner
Would it be live action , handdrawn or cgi? Who would star in it? Voice actors? 


  • UlnarevernUlnarevern Bscotch, Moderator, Tester Posts: 318 mod
    A Bscotch game or any game? I'd it depends. :)
    French, low end phone, low skill early access tester. Or something like that. Or absolutely nothing like that.
    I also spend my time editing my own posts because it's a nice community here.

  • bsb333bsb333 Bscotch Posts: 111 Butter Churner
    I think shorts would be fun, starring all bs characters^^
    But if i had ro decide for one I would choose tak the quadropus. (Cgi probably or handdrawn)
  • UlnarevernUlnarevern Bscotch, Moderator, Tester Posts: 318 mod
    edited February 2015
    I'm with @bsb333 a live action would be too different from the Bscotch universe (except if it's the Bscotch Brothers life seen Butterscotch way)and Tack is more active than Hardick in my opinion. That could be fun.
    French, low end phone, low skill early access tester. Or something like that. Or absolutely nothing like that.
    I also spend my time editing my own posts because it's a nice community here.

  • bscotchsethbscotchseth Bscotch, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 508 Developer
    Definitely Tack. Although I'd like to see the life and times of the Unpaid Intern of Roid Rage. That would be an action-packed show.

    Butterscotch Shenanigans
    Games Programmer

  • ceanjiceanji Bscotch Posts: 23 Butter Churner
    I can debscotchseth said:
    Definitely Tack. Although I'd like to see the life and times of the Unpaid Intern of Roid Rage. That would be an action-packed show.
    The Life and Times of the Unpaid Intern.....IN SPAAAAAAAACE!
    I'd watch the hell out of that!
  • MeaKittyMeaKitty Bscotch, Tester Posts: 131 Shenaniduke
    It would also last about 10 minutes or less if you were tracking the life and times of MY intern/s. XD And that's at the very most. 

    Captain: "Intern, you're off to space."
    Intern: "Spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace!"
    *Intern Suits up, Rocky montage of preparation lasting 5minutes, most of which is the Intern running with his underwear on his head*
    Captain: "Good luck, Intern."
    Intern: "Spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace!!!"
    Captain: *salutes*
    *Slow motion launch of space shuttle...
               10 seconds of ship spinning to the right....
                        ship into asteroid explosion big enough everyone watching needs to shield their eyes....
                                horrified looks on crew's face as the light finally fades...
                                          we finally see what they see... Intern floating dead in space.
    Fade to black.

    MeaKitty: The Resident Kitty Artist

    See my work at  PhoenixFire Art
    Also Graphic Artist and Web Designer
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  • bscotchsethbscotchseth Bscotch, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 508 Developer
    Somebody make this film right now.

    Butterscotch Shenanigans
    Games Programmer

  • ceanjiceanji Bscotch Posts: 23 Butter Churner
    MeaKitty said:
    It would also last about 10 minutes or less if you were tracking the life and times of MY intern/s. XD And that's at the very most. 

    A: We're gonna need another internnnnn! 

  • ceanjiceanji Bscotch Posts: 23 Butter Churner
    I got an idea. Let's make a contest. A fan short of Unpaid Interns in Spaaaace! In three mediums. Drawn/CGI/animated version, Live action, and comic form. Not sure what the rpizes would be. Maybe our face would be used in one of the games as an intern? 
  • MeaKittyMeaKitty Bscotch, Tester Posts: 131 Shenaniduke
    Oh boy, oh boy, give me several months to get my animation skills up to scratch. =D

    Seriously, I can storyboard it, but it'd take me forever to animate it. :/

    MeaKitty: The Resident Kitty Artist

    See my work at  PhoenixFire Art
    Also Graphic Artist and Web Designer
    See my other work at
    Weird Dreams Ink 

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  • bscotchAdambscotchAdam Administrator, Moderator, Tester Posts: 399 Developer
    @MeaKitty Probably more effort than it's worth :smile:

    If you do storyboard/comic it though I'm sure we'd all love to see it!
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