Hey Patrick from Fat Bard here. In case you somehow missed the blog post that Seth put up a while back (HOW DARE YOU!), here's a preview of the tasty music and FX that we're doing for Crashlands. Included at the end is a teaser of a RAWK remix that we'll be adding to the OST upon the game's launch. We plan to add a few more, and we be doing a poll when the alphabeta rolls around to see what other tuneage you might want to hear in RAWK format. We also plan to preview a few more in-game tunes and FX as the game gets closer to launch . BTW that's Sam as the Snorble.
Patrick Crecelius, part of the game scoring and FX duo Fat Bard. Currently working with BScotch on Crashlands and Narwhal Online.
Need this game now.
I like what you do
And when you wrote " We can fit your game and your budget." in the description of yourselves on your site/bandcamp account... Do you also fit to "no budget or almost"?
I also spend my time editing my own posts because it's a nice community here.
Yeah we do percentage of sales if there's no upfront money, but the game needs to have potential and a team of folks that have the drive to finish the game in a timely manner. It would be a bummer if you put in a bunch of work for a full OST and then the devs decide to scrap the project and start something new
. Why do you ask?
Patrick Crecelius, part of the game scoring and FX duo Fat Bard. Currently working with BScotch on Crashlands and Narwhal Online.
In short, i'm asking because i may be interested in some time. Explanation above.
I always have some projects that could use some good music and your work caught my interest. And i always try to think of everything and keep the maximum possibilities.
For now, there is absolutely nothing, but i still hope to have a project completed (i have one or two things on a good way, yet nothing finished so no music required plus one of the project would not be sell-able [donation-ware at most, potentially a demo for a more complex project but it is not for now]).
I also spend my time editing my own posts because it's a nice community here.
Cool, well yes hit me up sometime when things are music ready
. And hey thanks for the kind words both Zach and I appreciate it. We're proud of what we've done for Crashlands and can't wait for everyone to play the game. I'm lucky in that I've been getting to try out the game as they make it. It's pretty dang awesome.
Patrick Crecelius, part of the game scoring and FX duo Fat Bard. Currently working with BScotch on Crashlands and Narwhal Online.
I also spend my time editing my own posts because it's a nice community here.
i fucking love the Night Theme!
@TimConceivableYes, it is SOLID.