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B3A5T Butter Churner

pffft! my life...


  • B3A5T
    pffft! my life...
    October 2014
  • B3A5T
    YAY!! 5 comments on my own wall in one day!
    October 2014
  • B3A5T
    i wonder if anyone will ever view this text
    October 2014
  • B3A5T
    can I post watever and as much as i want on my wall?
    October 2014
  • B3A5T
    just tried flagging myself for spam. Didnt work
    October 2014
  • B3A5T
    Bored... just living life- doing maths, playing games and all of that kind of rubbish. 
    October 2014
  • B3A5T
    B3A5T earned the 5 Up Votes badge.
    You received 5 Up Votes. We like that.
    September 2014
  • B3A5T
    B3A5T earned the 10 Comments badge.
    WHOA THERE, TYPEY MCTYPERSON! You've made 10 comments! Be sure to keep a fire extinguisher next to your keyboard so you can put out the blaze when your fingers start burning up in the atmosphere due to their extreme speed.
    August 2014
  • B3A5T
    B3A5T, jgibbons and Jaeger earned the First Comment badge.
    HEY! You made a comment! WELCOME TO THE PARTY, HOT CHEEKS!
    August 2014
  • B3A5T
    B3A5T, JoeyMaru, macgeo and dana earned the Photogenic badge.
    You set a profile picture. Now we can all look longingly into your GORGEOUS EYES.
    August 2014
  • B3A5T
    B3A5T, NathanHandley and 7 others joined.
    Welcome Aboard!
    August 2014