@bsb333 The thing is that exploiting the "bug" made it impossible to reach now. That's why I signalled it here on the forums. Too easy and kinda useless.
Personally I'm with @ceanji but onl… (View Post)
@bscotchsam Wow nice art! By the way, one of your brothers had mentioned a new website/blog post a few days ago that you were supposedly putting together. Is it related to your "sadistic" t… (View Post)
I've had this one for a consequent time on my phone. It may still be full of mistakes and things like that but that should be possible to read it without losing blood through your eyes. Beware, this … (View Post)
Man, your music is awesome! I kept the game files on my phone just to be able to listen the intro theme! Yet, I still have no possibility to become a Patron, sorry (but I'll keep that in mind!) (View Post)
I've got one song I'd like to share: A little bit longer by Florent Dorin. Kinda sad but pretty sweet. This guy's is known in France (by a somewhat geek-ish part of the population) for being "Le… (View Post)