@B3A5T Indeed we did! Well, Sam and Seth did, anyway. Crashlands is also going to be entirely made in Gamemaker. Check out Seth's thread on 2D game development tools, and the thread on all of the mi… (View Post)
@CyberKlown28 UHHHHHHH. I'll let @BscotchSam or @BscotchSeth take that one. @B3A5T I answered this a bit in an earlier comment. In short, I'm getting shaders figured out so that we can add some ne… (View Post)
@PattyC Eventually! My wife just stared year 2 of a 3-year residency program (she's a pediatrician) here in Dallas, so I'm stuck until she's finished. The goal is to move to StL right after, so we're… (View Post)