PERMANENTLY. What happens to your old posts? Everything that existed as of yesterday afternoon as been (more or less) successfully ported. NOTHING ELSE will be, but feel fr… (View Post)
@R4V3N Us too, on both counts. You'll all have a special place in our hearts, though. The first, the proud, the Bscotch early adopters! If you start feeling lost in a sea of others, just shoot us som… (View Post)
It'll be Android first, since updates and distribution are so easy there, followed by PC since builds are easy but we'll have to rework the UI, followed by iOS because it's such a pain on the ass! (View Post)
@IsisEden THAT WOULD BE AMAZING. Once we get a little more established we'll try to do some meetups outside of St Louis and Dallas. Maybe even outside the U.S., EVENTUALLY. (View Post)