This may seem CRAZY. But I go like this. * Magnet to upgrade 2 * Thrust to upgrade 2 * Duck cannon to upgrade 4 * Fuel to upgrade 2 * Thrust to 5 * Escape pod to 2 * Fuel to 5 * Magnet to 5 * Whateve… (View Post)
@CyberKlown28 I really liked Binding of Isaac, because when I started arting I didn't have any practice whatsoever, and I was like... I CAN MAKE THAAAAAAAAAAAT. Turns out I couldn't, but that bliste… (View Post)
Heyo! We're extending the badge system a little bit at a time as we see how people are using the forums. One of the first needs we wanted to meet was that of FAN ART. We now have 3 additional badges … (View Post)