Mea's Musings

MeaKittyMeaKitty Bscotch, Tester Posts: 131 Shenaniduke
Okay, this might end up seeming a little incoherent so I apologise in advance, but it's sort of musings as I was playing, I put them all down on Pen and Paper (shock horror, I know, not very technologically advanced but it works). So this gonna be the good and bad of things as I've discovered them. Hope that's alright.

Firstly I'm really impressed wit the loading time (which remains fairly fast even with the expansions to the map in my game), and the fact that everything responds so well - particularly Flux's reflexes in picking things up. It's smooth and fast, and responsive. And my game, aside from a hiccup here and there, has been running at 100-120 fps consistently according to the timer (edit: just noticed that at night time it runs at 35-45). I'm really impressed with that, I went in expecting it to be larger than the other mini-games you've made before and thus 'slower' I guess. I expected to be waiting for load times, and waiting for reactions and responses. So far aside from the initial bugs and the one regarding the menu that I mention previously (more on that shortly) it's been really good.

The interface is really clear and concise, and informative enough that I've easily found my way around. Whether that's because I have a minecraft background or not I don't know, but it's working for me. Crafting things is fast and understandable. If you want something you can TRACK it, I -lovelovelove- that feature. I'm one that gets easily distracted and forget what I was doing, so this make it so much better. I have noticed however that I've skipped making a lot of things. I've never been one for health potions or temporary effects unless I absolutely need them. I'm on to the "Squathe" and have made the full set of armor and weapons, saw and fishing pole. And I've probably created maybe a total of 1/3rd of the rest of the armor pieces.

The only problem I've had is with the menu, particularly the pause menu... it's a little too small for my fat fingers, and I find that I keep hitting main menu instead of resume, or visa versa. Annoying but I can work around it no problem. Also *Bug Alert* - when the pause menu is open and I go to switch apps it derps (think we addressed this in the other thread anyway). Also, when I exit out of the game the whole overlay for the menu actually flickers on/off before it actually quits the game. And of course it makes me panic a little thinking it's my phone about to blow up or something. It really is pretty bad.

As for gameplay it's actually pretty good. Movement is fairly easy, though it does get annoying to have to tap top/bottom on a landscape screen, even more so for long journeys, though I know you can press and hold but then my finger covers up 90% of the screen (I mentioned I have fat fingers, right?) and so I can't see where I'm going. Not sure if there's a way to address that though, it gets annoying tapping constantly for longer journeys.

Also, the mapping system is brilliant but I have 2 issues with it - firstly the fact that I keep trying to 'click and drag' to shift it's position. Not sure if there's a way to implement that, because no matter how long I play this for that's still my instinct. Just drag the map over a bit to get where I'm going, but NOPE. Nopenopenope. Can't teleport there. Sheesh. Secondly IT'S FULL OF GRAVES. Oi vey. I die. I die a lot (lack of armor and whatnot y'know), so there's a looooooot of gravestones. I would screen shot but *bug alert* I still can't do that for some reason. So right now, like, 30% of my map is just gravestones (see image re: teleporters at the end of this rant) and I can't see what the terrain is like. ESPECIALLY around my house. Maybe reduce this to like 3 or 5 previous deaths? I don't care if they disappear, I only need to see where I died if I need to get back to stuff. If I'm allowed to keep my inventory upon respawn I have no reason to panic about getting back to my death point. Certainly not the ones within sight of my house.

The animations are awesome! You guys have done well. The first time I saw Flux's idle dance I loled, and then just watched him til my screen timed out. XD The creatures have good movement, they're smoothly animated, they're not too annoying with their idle patterns, and none of them lag even in large groups. The background textures (grounds, floors, plants, etc) are great. They tile well without being obviously tiled, if you know what I mean - they don't get noticeably repetitive unless you're actually looking for it. Whatever y'all did is fantastic in that regard. I love tessellations, but not when I'm running from a glidopus XD

Few problems - Flux tends to get stuck in right angle corners. The AI doesn't direct him around; particularly out the door, and if you tap on a spot he technically can't get to he doesn't path around the obstructions (ie river, water terrain, etc). He kinda just flails in the direction on the spot. Rather annoying when trying to get out the door or something. It gets frustrating and if anything would want to make me ragequit it's that. Dunno why, just does. Hopefully it's tweakable.

Need a way to determine the passing of time. Getting caught outside at night, particularly in the early stages, led to so many of my initial deaths. There's no way to determine (that I can see, I might just be missing it like a dumdum) where in the 'sky' the sun is and thus how long until dark so I can work out when to turn around and go home.

Speaking of which I was a bit annoyed with the spawn rates in the initial stages. I don't know about everyone else but I spawned in a Wompit/Glidopus haven of some sort. The Wompits weren't so bad, but oi vey... deaths by Glidopus are like 90% of my problem. I swear they're a little OP for a starting area, and a lot OP in numbers. It's beyond frustrating, something else that made me want to ragequit. And still does, I can deal with the young ones, but those adults... they move soooo fast, and there's not much time/warning to get out of the way when they decide to strike.

Also, in large numbers I was losing my Pet Wompit. obviously the first thing I tamed was one of them, and then I couldn't tell when I was aiming at Wimpy (as I named him) or a wild one, and I think I lost a looooot of battles because of that. I think they need collars to distinguish them (unless I'm missing them/comparative item for determining pets). Also I think I really need a (better) health bar! I'm not sure if Wimpy's damage, or by how much. I don't know how much health a kibbleweed restores (compared to his overall healthy). Hard to determine in the heat of battle when I need to throw him another one.

The sound is great, I actually had no problems playing with it on. I'll happily admit that it's the FIRST setting that I change. Everytime without fail, music off. But this didn't bother me one bit, so awesome job to whomever composed that. I did have one issue that instantly forced me to shut it off, and that was when transitioning from the night time music to a build menu. Oi vey, there is NOT transition. From peaceful night music to BUILD MENU. That's... no. Just... no.

Uh, what else do I have here... oh, why am I am to build a "BS SSSS SS5" crafting table thing IN a "BS SSSS SS5" crafting table thing? I just thought that was the first crafting table we had to build, so now I have two and one of them is completely useless. They have no damage, and within the 'safety' of my walls they're not going to take damage anyway. And if I destroyed it somehow (don't know how though) I'm going to be screwed, aren't I? Would it be better to remove that BS~ Table from that build menu, and maybe put it into the ship? Like, crash landed, first thing you build is this table that gives you the basics. That way on the off chance I do lose/destroy it, I can get another one (provided I have the resources) from the ship?

Also, what's the point in building walls? I understand that the flooring needs to be in place for certain things, but I just had a wompit jump my walls. Actually the first time in 4 days that I've had something even TRY to get in my house. Building the structure itself seems kinda pointless, but maybe that's just my situation? I don't know if anyone else experienced differently.

The flooring within the walls is an awesome idea though, I love being able to have a little platform to call mine. However this whole "must be placed on flooring" bulls**t has got to gooooo. XD So frustrated that my potted plants and my scarecrow HAVE to be on flooring. That's just... not what I'd do IRL. I'm gonna stick a scarecrow in the damn ground near my crops, not build him a little individual platform to stand on. That's not scary at all. XP

AND the icon for the Furdledirt in the BS~ thinger has to be adjusted. It actually took me 5 workbenches before I even FOUND it tucked away in the corner there. dark icon on a greyed out menu item doesn't really work. Sorry. And that's an important one, I would have had suitable crops days ago if I had of been able to find it quicker.

Lastly, I know there's a storyline being implemented eventually, but will there be an overall goal? Do I have to fix my ship? Will there be parts to construct? Can I fix it and get in my spaceship and go to a better planet? I would totally skip across the galaxy/universe if that was the case. If they were temporary fixes to get you to the next "level" would be awesome. Coming from a minecraft background I often start off getting all excited by a build idea, and then it petters out as soon as I realise I'm just doing the same thing over and over and there's nothing new. And I don't even want to just walk 1000 blocks and build somewhere else, but I would totally work towards fixing Flux's ship if I could go to another planet with different terrain to explore. I think I've loaded most of my current map, and I'm getting bored with it already. So unless there's a way to get further that I'm not seeing....?

~thinks~ Other than that, just a little frustrated with a lack of tutorial/helpful hints? Why can I learn about certain plants/rocks/creature/features? Where do I learn about them? How do I know what does what, and what gives what, and where to get things from? Who/What is the robot and why is it following me? How to I train a wompit/glidopus/glutterfly (fyi, got a wompit and glutterfly, still don't know about a glidopus, nor how to get the glutterfly dust I need now.) and yes, I know a lot of that will be covered in a wiki and storyline, but as I said this is mostly just musings on things I was thinking of, so I'm not after an explanation/fix.

OH, the return on SQUEE seeds is ridiculous out of whack. I had about 10 plants and got 3 or 4 seeds back. At this rate I will run out. Which reminds me, does the plantlife regenerate at all? Or once I chop one down it's gone for good? This means I have a limited amount of resources (not that I would probably go through them, but it means I have to travel farther afield to get new stuff, somewhat annoying especially if I run out of seeds to plant).

Fishing spots are sometimes unreachable - too far out or there's nowhere safe I can stand to get to them. I had one (sorry, can't screenshot) that appeared about 2 blocks out from the shore, but Flux was trying to get around to the other side of the river to use it, which he couldn't actually do, one because his AI didn't path out of the alcove he was in, and two because there was nowhere to cross the river. Also it pisses me off when I drag things out of the water and they go EVERYWHERE, including the OTHER SIDE OF THE RIVER. Dear lord, the thing that I'm fishing for is now in an unreachable area! ARGH! Literally, and ISLAND I can't get to. Sigh.

And when I have an interface open I need more warning if I'm being attacked. Died the first time I went fishing because while I was trying to work out what I was doing, I got attacked and didn't know. I realise now the screen shakes a little, but I think I need a big red exclamation mark when I'm being targeted or something, otherwise I really didn't notice. 

Oh! And teleporters are a little out of whack. I noticed that I no longer have to activate them, and that there's a little more frequency in their appearance? Is there a variable to control their layout... particularly how close together they spawn. All of mine seem to be clumped in rows (managed to get the attached picture using my fiance's phone to take an actual photo. not the best, but effective enough I suppose - shows teleporter clumps and gravestones... looooots of gravestones. o.<;; ).

I think for now that's about all the feedback I have. Take it and make what you will of it. I understand some things probably can't be "fixed" because they're not broken, I've done coding before, I understand how complex things can get, but as I said this is just my initial musings. Any questions or comments, further information and whatnot, just let me know. I'll try to get some more screenshots, but I really have no clue what's causing that bug but it's annoying. The one funtion you don't want to break when you're doing this kinda thing. XD

MeaKitty: The Resident Kitty Artist

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  • MeaKittyMeaKitty Bscotch, Tester Posts: 131 Shenaniduke
    Additionally: Another thing that annoys me, if I'm running around at night with a torch to light my path, and stop to collect something, can I pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease automatically switch back to the torch. That is raegquit worthy to. My LORD, don't care if I run around with any other weapon out at any other time, but BLARGH to having to always switch back to my torch. Sheesh. Even accidentally clicking on a tree gives me fits because he switches what he's holding and doesn't change back.

    MeaKitty: The Resident Kitty Artist

    See my work at  PhoenixFire Art
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  • MeaKittyMeaKitty Bscotch, Tester Posts: 131 Shenaniduke
    Addendum 2: the graphical elements are spectacular.  Meant to mention this too. I love the little details. The little decals and dots.  And the way that when you have multiple items building the timer counts the total for you. It's always the little things with you guys and I LOVE it. I always notice something new no matter how many times I play any of your games. Fantastic!

    MeaKitty: The Resident Kitty Artist

    See my work at  PhoenixFire Art
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  • bscotchsethbscotchseth Bscotch, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 508 Developer
    HOLY SHIT this is all excellent feedback. We'll comb through it all line by line and make sure we take it all into account.

    A few notes that will improve your gameplay experience:
    - You can pick up gravestones using build mode. It'll remove them from your map, and then you can rearrange them back at your house!
    - Floors can be placed over water to build bridges. That should save you some headaches!

    Thanks for putting all the time in to write out your thoughts, Mea... It's EXTREMELY helpful!

    Butterscotch Shenanigans
    Games Programmer

  • bscotchAdambscotchAdam Administrator, Moderator, Tester Posts: 399 Developer
    Thanks, @MeaKitty‌!

    I totally agree with the majority of your feedback.

    There will indeed be an overall goal, and a legit tutorial, and a story, etc etc. This test is all about mechanics and interface, and we haven't yet developed any of that (though we have many ideas)!
  • MeaKittyMeaKitty Bscotch, Tester Posts: 131 Shenaniduke
    edited October 2014
    Doi, didn't even think of floors as bridges. Erf. And I may be morbid, but I'm not morbid enough to want 59999999999 gravestones around my house @BscotchSeth‌. What do you take me for. XD Maybe make them destroyable as an option? 

    Edit: although now part of me wants to pick them all up and see my running death count. . >_>

    MeaKitty: The Resident Kitty Artist

    See my work at  PhoenixFire Art
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  • MeaKittyMeaKitty Bscotch, Tester Posts: 131 Shenaniduke
    Also, something else I noticed today and I don't know if it's just me, but Wat's seem reeeeeeeeally OP right now. I need 2 Watfingers to upgrade to the next pick, but they don't come from the young Wats? Only the adults? I can't kill the adults. Even with the pearl armor fully upgraded, they still one shot me. So how am I supposed to get Watfingers?

    Also, I'm obviously stupid because I'm not seeing a way to tame a Glidopus, which might be really handy fighting the Wats, so maybe that's the secret and I've clearly derped and missed it like a twat...

    MeaKitty: The Resident Kitty Artist

    See my work at  PhoenixFire Art
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  • bscotchAdambscotchAdam Administrator, Moderator, Tester Posts: 399 Developer
    Wats are super hard, and require quite the danc to fight successfully. I use the blowpipe and a lot of dodging. You should be able to find a downed glidopus somewhere, my map had a bunch.
  • MeaKittyMeaKitty Bscotch, Tester Posts: 131 Shenaniduke
    I've found am injured Glidopus, and I've marked it on the map... I just have no idea how to tame it. Managed a Wompit (I'M AUSTRALIA, I KEEP CALLING IT A WOMBAT) and a Glutterfly successfully, and figured out what beds/stables they need, but I can't see anything for a Glidopus.

    MeaKitty: The Resident Kitty Artist

    See my work at  PhoenixFire Art
    Also Graphic Artist and Web Designer
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  • bscotchAdambscotchAdam Administrator, Moderator, Tester Posts: 399 Developer
    Dig through the chemworks!
  • MeaKittyMeaKitty Bscotch, Tester Posts: 131 Shenaniduke
    Omfg! I'm officially a derp. Thought that was a balloon animal or something. Thought it eas just decorative.  XD

    Got ny gludopus now. I called him Kythulu.

    Also git my last watfinger. And my lvl 12 butterfly blade. I will be killing ALLTHETHINGS in the morninfg. Bedtime now 

    Thank you @BscotchAdam‌ . ^_^

    MeaKitty: The Resident Kitty Artist

    See my work at  PhoenixFire Art
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  • MeaKittyMeaKitty Bscotch, Tester Posts: 131 Shenaniduke
    edited October 2014
    Also, now that I'm in a new area, I think one of the things that you should look at changing is the click to attack thing. I really kinda wanna know what I'm killing before I go in attacking it, but the only way to do that is to click on the creature so it's species pops up. Would double-click to attack be something you'd consider. One tap to see what it is and target it, second click to actually attack?

    Edit: I'm aware that you can single click when you have a torch in your hand, but I don't run around with the torch in my hand during the day, that's all.

    MeaKitty: The Resident Kitty Artist

    See my work at  PhoenixFire Art
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  • bscotchAdambscotchAdam Administrator, Moderator, Tester Posts: 399 Developer
    You can also unequip your weapon without swapping to something else. But yeah, we'll be trying out the double click thing.
  • bscotchsethbscotchseth Bscotch, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 508 Developer
    The double tap thing has come up a few times, and honestly we just hadn't thought about that as an option. It would certainly alleviate a lot of problems...

    Butterscotch Shenanigans
    Games Programmer

  • UlnarevernUlnarevern Bscotch, Moderator, Tester Posts: 318 mod
    edited October 2014
    Certainly. About lights: Why not a trinket dedicated to making light. That would still require an object but without the "equip/unequip" problem and force player to choose if he wants some light or serious bonuses. Or even a dedicated space for lighting. In that case, you could imagine that it consume fuel (a basic lamp may require logs, make you a bit slower and project a weak and unstable light). Better lamps would be stronger, require less fuel and wouldn't slow Flux down. You could also imagine that these lamps can be combined with armor pieces (so that wouldn't require a hand to carry the thing, realism-speaking) Second option would require a lot of work though :/
    French, low end phone, low skill early access tester. Or something like that. Or absolutely nothing like that.
    I also spend my time editing my own posts because it's a nice community here.

  • bscotchsethbscotchseth Bscotch, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 508 Developer
    One step ahead of ya! We have three trinkets you can equip that generate light. :D

    Butterscotch Shenanigans
    Games Programmer

  • UlnarevernUlnarevern Bscotch, Moderator, Tester Posts: 318 mod
    edited October 2014
    Is it already available in the alpha? Or am I stupid or illiterate? :neutral_face:
    Good news though :smiley: 
    French, low end phone, low skill early access tester. Or something like that. Or absolutely nothing like that.
    I also spend my time editing my own posts because it's a nice community here.

  • bscotchsethbscotchseth Bscotch, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 508 Developer
    You can make the Glorb (the first light trinket) at the Chemworks, I believe.

    Butterscotch Shenanigans
    Games Programmer

  • MeaKittyMeaKitty Bscotch, Tester Posts: 131 Shenaniduke
    Yup, I have the glorb but it doesn't cast very much light, and I made the light potion which is effin awesome but doesn't last very long. Maybe I'm just not quite up to the next level of light trinket yet.

    MeaKitty: The Resident Kitty Artist

    See my work at  PhoenixFire Art
    Also Graphic Artist and Web Designer
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  • bscotchsethbscotchseth Bscotch, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 508 Developer
    Each light trinket is MORE POWERFUL THAN THE LAST! And each level of light potion lasts longer than the last. LIGHT ALL AROUND!

    Butterscotch Shenanigans
    Games Programmer

  • MeaKittyMeaKitty Bscotch, Tester Posts: 131 Shenaniduke
    Ayup! That's the theory. Haven't gotten there yet though. I'm having trouble finding "Jolly" components for my Jollyscope. I don't even know what a Jolly looks like. :/

    MeaKitty: The Resident Kitty Artist

    See my work at  PhoenixFire Art
    Also Graphic Artist and Web Designer
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  • bscotchsethbscotchseth Bscotch, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 508 Developer
    Ah, yeah this one's tricky (and will require some explaining via the story). Jollychomps are these little mouthy-looking things that hang out in the Bawg. You can get Jollies out of them by feeding them Bloos -- those green, tick-like things that you pry up with your trowel.

    Butterscotch Shenanigans
    Games Programmer

  • MeaKittyMeaKitty Bscotch, Tester Posts: 131 Shenaniduke
    SCORE! Now I know what I'm looking for, easily done. Thank you. Just tried feeding Bloos to everything. XD Found it now, and got what I need. It doesn't help that they look like part of the landscape, and don't do anything or even have a name when you click on them. So yeah, they'll need a bit of explaining

    NOW, to make my workstation and continue my progression before the Alpha is over. *workworkwork*

    MeaKitty: The Resident Kitty Artist

    See my work at  PhoenixFire Art
    Also Graphic Artist and Web Designer
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  • bscotchsethbscotchseth Bscotch, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 508 Developer

    Butterscotch Shenanigans
    Games Programmer

  • MeaKittyMeaKitty Bscotch, Tester Posts: 131 Shenaniduke
    Lol, that's what it feels like. Perfect summation. Me busy, everything else go byebye, only Crashlands, must play Crashlands. 

    I'm going to cry when you take it from me, I hope you know that. XD

    MeaKitty: The Resident Kitty Artist

    See my work at  PhoenixFire Art
    Also Graphic Artist and Web Designer
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  • bscotchsethbscotchseth Bscotch, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 508 Developer
    Just know you'll get it back in a WAY BETTER FORM with lots more cool stuff in it. :D

    Butterscotch Shenanigans
    Games Programmer

  • MeaKittyMeaKitty Bscotch, Tester Posts: 131 Shenaniduke
    Yeah, but it's that waaaaaaaaait. Between now and then... what am I gonna doooooo?

    I'm... not the most patient person. XD You should have seen me bouncing soon as I found out I was allowed to be part of the alpha. I squee. Outloud. For realz. Couldn't sit still. 

    MeaKitty: The Resident Kitty Artist

    See my work at  PhoenixFire Art
    Also Graphic Artist and Web Designer
    See my other work at
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  • bscotchsethbscotchseth Bscotch, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 508 Developer
    You'll have to... PLAY THE UPDATED QUADROPUS!

    Butterscotch Shenanigans
    Games Programmer

  • MeaKittyMeaKitty Bscotch, Tester Posts: 131 Shenaniduke
    Ugh, the disappearing pets is annoying me now. The fact that I have to swap pets if I find a rare... and there's no way I can get it back to base, stable it, and get back to find my other pet? I think if they're named they shouldn't disappear. Don't know if that's possible to do, but... it's really killing my urge to continue. Knowing that I either have to wander around by myself if I want to find a new pet, or to lose the one I've got to get another one. :/ Argh!

    MeaKitty: The Resident Kitty Artist

    See my work at  PhoenixFire Art
    Also Graphic Artist and Web Designer
    See my other work at
    Weird Dreams Ink 

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  • bscotchAdambscotchAdam Administrator, Moderator, Tester Posts: 399 Developer
    @MeaKitty‌ drives me crazy too! We have a plan for that, so no worries!
  • MeaKittyMeaKitty Bscotch, Tester Posts: 131 Shenaniduke
    edited October 2014
    @BscotchAdam‌ Glad to hear I'm not the only one. Thank you. But other than that, and the bawg being too OP it's good. Looking forward to seeing how the changes go between now and the beta. I'm so totally in!

    And I'm still willing to throw a couple bucks in for it, is already totally worth it and the updates I've seen planned will definitely make it more so.

    Though I know y'all will offer it for free, I'm willing to pay for premium whatever that may be. Can I just throw money at y'all right now for it.

    ~showers everyone in a confetti of monopoly money~

    Sorry all I have to hand right this second. XD not quite payday yet. Hehe. But yes, praise and thanks and good stuff for all of you. <3 Dunno if you've heard it too often this week, amongst all negative "it's broken" feedback, but you guys have done a fantastic job!

    Thanks for putting up with us n00b testers and all our inability to provide exact feedback but it sounds like we've given you a lot of things to work on/with so hopefully it helps. It's a fantastic game and I am going to happily spread the word, recommend and review it when it comes out.

    You guys are Amazeballs!

    (@BscotchSeth‌@BscotchSam‌ ... and thank you @bscotchMom‌ too!)

    MeaKitty: The Resident Kitty Artist

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