Suggestions and Bug Report
So... Narwhal Online is out, heck yeahhhh.
I love the game so much so far and since it is in alpha stages right now that means that things are going to change. So this OP is going to be some of the issues I have found so far and some of my suggestions for the game

- Xp Number Reset : After each play through the health and the level will reset but the amount of xp that you have will stay the same. This makes it so at higher levels, after you die you can easily get to level 2 if you had 475 Xp in your health bar, you will get set back to 0 and be level 2 after you gain more xp.
- Corner Room Shift : Whenever you have a side door open to move through you should go to the door. Sometimes I will go to the top corner and still be shifted into the next room, even if I didn't go through the door. The space you need to collide with to get inside the door should be smaller.
- Spawning : Sometimes, as many of you have probably noticed, we can get easily shot right off of the spawn when one of those slimy termites standing right next to us. Some temporary invulnerability or different spawning mechanics would be awesome
- Moving to Main Screen Room from other Rooms - The "Disconnected From the Web" pops up briefly and the buttons go to a different image_index. They do quickly return to the proper state, but it looks kinda buggy.
- Moving to Main Screen on initial launch - The narwhals will sometimes be the wrong color for around 1 second or so.
* I know I am being very picky here, but like your mothers have said, I do it because I love you.
Suggestions - (Things that would be flippin' awesome)
- In game leaderboards - I know it is very early in development, but having a leaderboard in game would be awesome, so I don't have to have my internet be on.
- Different colored depths - It would be cool if every depth had a different color instead of green, green, and green. These termites need to get some fashion taste in their lives and try some different colors out 
- Bosses - Boss battles at the end of some of the depths, maybe every 5 or 10, Since we arn't too far into the game yet as a community, I would not be surprised to see one soon anyway, but just want to assure the idea is out there 
- Notification Feed on main menu - A feed that will show some of the most impressive runs that have recently gone, so it might say, "Doc just defeated 231 Slimy Termites in one go", "BscotchSeth just collected 13 Juice", "bscotchsam just put the Red Team ahead", "bscotchAdam just took Rank 1"... Cool stuff like that so that the players can go, "HECK Yeah, I'm on the front page of Narwhal Online!!! What do you have to show mom?!?!".
- Customizable Horns - Whats better than a narwhal? A decked out narwhal... that way you can be all like...

Anyway, I am excited to see what you guys do with this game and what everyone else thinks would be cool to be in the game!
Please share any suggestions everybody so this game can get M0r Aw3some.
Cool People have Signatures

The only one that would be a problem would be this:
"In game leaderboards - I know it is very early in development, but having a leaderboard in game would be awesome, so I don't have to have my internet be on."
Since we have to connect to the internet to retrieve the info, this would be NIGH IMPOSSIBLE! Unless you meant your browser?
Butterscotch Shenanigans
Games Programmer
@Doc You have a 5% chance to critically strike universally, and the upgrades give you a higher damage modifier on your crits. It starts at 150% of normal damage!
Butterscotch Shenanigans
Games Programmer
@Doc A lot of the really cool stuff we want to do with the game will require an always-on connection. Since phones are prone to falling off network, we'll definitely need to work on a smoother way to do this!
I think that combos would be a cool addition to the game and that damage modifiers could apply to those hit later in the combo (ex. The last guy on a 3 termite chain would get hit with an extra 20% of damage and the second termite would take an extra 10%) Just a thought, not 100% needed but it would be cool to see.
Butterscotch Shenanigans
Games Programmer
Did you guys come up with any names or were you just like, one dat spits, one dat spits a lot, and one that screws you over because he is super mean and can fly.
Butterscotch Shenanigans
Games Programmer
Butterscotch Shenanigans
Games Programmer
Just a random guy!
Just a random guy!
Just a random guy!
I also spend my time editing my own posts because it's a nice community here.
Butterscotch Shenanigans
Games Programmer
I also spend my time editing my own posts because it's a nice community here.
Just a random guy!
i think the game is pretty challenging, but the play strategy i've adopted is to dash to the opposite side of the room from enemies (unless they're all over the room) and if i time it well in between their attacks, i can just dash in and out from that corner and avoid all attacks. i don't think this is necessarily a bad thing, but i thought it might be a good idea to have the enemies move toward you a little faster if they are far away from you. that way this strategy would be a lot harder to pull off. also maybe at lower depths enemies could move faster? maybe that's already the case and i just didn't notice.
Butterscotch Shenanigans
Games Programmer
That's still probably the plan, because... you know. Chanting worms.
Butterscotch Shenanigans
Games Programmer
Patrick Crecelius, part of the game scoring and FX duo Fat Bard. Currently working with BScotch on Crashlands and Narwhal Online.