BSCOTCHES! Believe it or not, there are actual people behind the usernames in these forums. ACTUAL PEOPLE. And I'm going to prove it. Here are a bunch of questions you can answer about yourself, so yonder other forumgoers can get to know you better!
(Every field is optional of course. IN FACT, THE WHOLE THING IS OPTIONAL.)
Tell us about yourself. What's your story?
What are some of your favorite things?
(Bands, foods, artists, brown paper packages tied up with string)
What's the one thing in the universe that you just can't stand?
What are you working on these days to make yourself a more amazing person?
(Learning a new skill, Getting in shape, etc...)
Butterscotch Shenanigans
Games Programmer
Tell us about yourself. What's your story?
I grew up in Grinnell, Iowa (small town of 10,000), which is ONE OF THE BEST PLACES IN THE UNIVERSE. I then went to USC for my first semester of college because I wanted to be a filmmaker. But I didn't get accepted into the film school, so in my depression I ended up doing nothing but playing World of Warcraft for 2 years. During that time I got really fascinated with games, development, and design, but I had no SKILLS, so it was just a pipe dream. Probably because I was playing too much WoW to develop any.
So I went to the University of Northern Iowa and got degrees in finance and economics instead, became a Chartered Financial Analyst, and then went to law school. Around that time I got married to a 6'1" Indian tennis player, and then I began pursuing an MBA at the same time as my JD.
But during law school, I started teaching myself programming, and then I started making my own games. Things escalated pretty quickly, and I began entering game jam competitions and doing game dev 8+ hours a day and neglecting my schoolwork. Well, I realized soon that this wasn't sustainable, and that I had to make a decision. So I chose game development, and I dropped out of school.
From there, I was hired at Simutronics Corporation as a programming intern in St Louis, and Sam (MY BRO) was hired there as well. About 8 months later, we both struck out on our own and formed Butterscotch Shenanigans, and here we are!
What are some of your favorite things?
I have a weird newfound affinity for Chillstep music, and I'm also a huge fan of No Doubt, Muse, Cake, Ratatat, the Bloodhound Gang, and just about any kind of chiptunes.
I'm also an avid MMO player and Kerbal Space Program player. So far my proudest KSP moment has been building a folding robotic lander that could retract various parts to change its landing profile. Got that sucker to Duna and back!
What's the one thing in the universe that you just can't stand?
Running. I enjoy exercise, and I try to keep in decent shape, but my god... running. My legs fall asleep after about 1.5 miles, and then I can't feel anything. I HATE IT SO MUCH.
What are you working on these days to make yourself a more amazing person?
Definitely working on getting back into good shape, and trying to come up with ways to maintain that. I've tried to diagnose my problem, and it's definitely one of expense and access. I don't want to have to drive all around creation just to go to the gym, and I don't want to spend $50-100 a month for classes or gym memberships or what have you. So I'm learning about no-weight exercise, and I got a pull-up bar that I can hook in to a doorframe for about $30. Building my own in-home mini gym on a shoestring budget!
Butterscotch Shenanigans
Games Programmer
Tell us about yourself. What's your story?
I, TOO, GREW UP IN GRINNELL, IA. I went to college in St. Louis at YE OLDE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY, where I struggled to figure out what in the HELL to do with my time. After failing physics I decided that PSYCHOLOGY was going to be my bread and butter. The course load for that particular major was also small enough that I could just do WHATEVER I WANTED ALL THE TIME, which included taking classes in every other school (engineering, compsci, business, etc.).
My sophomore year (2010) I did a summer internship where the university paired students with ventures in the St. Louis area. While the venture I worked for was a bust, I started the local game dev meetup group and the first St. Louis game jam, which had a whopping FOUR PEOPLE. Since only so many decided to come I scrambled the night before to learn how to make a game, since I was suddenly going to have to. I stumbled on gamemaker, made a game in 2 days, and then kicked it over to Seth, which pretty much caused him to drop out of school.
I finished school while other awesome people in the community took over organizing and running the St. Louis game dev scene, and didn't really reappear until January 2012, when Seth and I showed up for the Global Game Jam at UMSL and made the original Towelfight of the Gods. At this point there were about 100 people attending the jam, which pretty much blew my tiny mind. As Seth said, we got hired after and once I graduated that spring I worked as a sort of QA lead, designing psych experiments to be employed on testers, and an internal consultant, harassing processes where they could be optimized.
We started making games and had some luck with Quadropus Rampage last June. Then I started feeling a little weird. Making games was extremely taxing and I was getting angry at Seth on the regular for things I generally never got upset about. Then I started fevering every night. Then having full-blown night sweats that destroyed my sheets. I got diagnosed with stage 4b Lymphoma (FREAKIN' CANCER) in November of last year, and immediately began treatment to kill it.
Crashlands was the sort of greater purpose that sprang from having my mortality checked. We're still chugging away at it, 7 months later, 5 of which I was undergoing extensive chemotherapy. I'm so pumped to hit full throttle on my life now that I've got it back that I CAN'T EVEN RIGHT NOW.
And, just two weeks ago, I engaged the best woman I've ever met. Things can really only go up from here.
What are some of your favorite things?
Female vocalists are my JAAAAAAM. I usually pick a song and play it on repeat while inkscaping for LITERALLY DAYS AT A TIME. You can find the list I keep over here. Yes, Katy Perry is on there. Halt your judgment.
I also love reading and self-improvement. My favorite series I've read thus far is probably the Kingslayer trilogy (next book is coming out soon omgyiss) or the Mistborn trilogy. Complicated magic systems are the best.
Also, coffee.
What's the one thing in the universe that you just can't stand?
What are you working on these days to make yourself a more amazing person?
I can't actually draw with a pencil, which bothers the hell out of me, so I'm doing creature sketches every morning to try to sharpen that up.
I'm also running 5k's at the end of every month to whip my post-cancer body back into health, and working on a motivational-style talk. I aim to one day give a TED talk, because WHY NOT.
I use a Getting Things Done system and Workflowy to track all my stuff. Suffice it to say I've got a lot of irons in the fire when it comes to self-improvement!
Tell us about yourself. What's your story?
I'm a young guy (not even 20. NOT YET) from Artigues près Bordeaux, France. Yes, you guessed it, the closest "big" city is Bordeaux, wine and slavery (back in the good ol' times at least). Ask Google if you're curious.
I studied sciences, "lost" one year after my graduation (like the graduation we have at 18 years old) in a preparation class for the Grandes Ecoles (the SPECIFIC formation [wasn't the classical one] in my SPECIFIC location was a big joke). Last year I began some studies in Humanist and scientific culture (Culture Humaniste et Scientifique). In fact, we have sciences (math, biology...), literature, art and social sciences (sociology, economics, history and other stuff). Each semester we have some new courses (like, it was drawing in first semester, music second semester and so on). We have almost literally lessons on EVERYTHING in during three years and that's really awesome.
What are some of your favorite things?
Editors and Morcheeba for the music (and for now).
Else I love learning new stuff from everything, every possible domain.
I also love creating in many forms, but mostly writing short stories/small novels and creating game concepts (if you ever have no idea what to do, contact me, I have awesome games awaiting to be created). I believe I have some talent, but I still need to refine it.
And most of all, seeing out with my GF. She's the sweetest and the most beautiful creature I ever seen (plus she's smart).
What's the one thing in the universe that you just can't stand?
One specific guy. That's sad. I don't even hate him in fact. It's really impossible to describe
What are you working on these days to make yourself a more amazing person?
I'm working for a very nice boss for a few weeks, so I learn some new practical competences (and get some MONEY). I also read some scientific/technical/geeky things, and read some English stuff.
Also, I am awaiting to work on a translation of Crashlands (Seth and Sam, if you read it, you can contact me), creating a game (nothing you can be afraid of) and things.
I don't think I forget many things, so yup, that's me... Kinda.
I also spend my time editing my own posts because it's a nice community here.
Tell us about yourself. What's your story?
Uh, I'm Australian, born and bred. I grew up in a small town in the middle of nowhere called Woomera, that just happened to be a USAF base. Much of my childhood was spent in the company of Americans. When I was 15 we moved closer to 'civilization' and I completed year 12 with a barely passable grade. FIrst chance I got I moved to the City (Adelaide where I am now) and failed to get a job, so I moved back home again the following year, redid year 12, got better marks, and attempted to go to University.
Since I was old enough to hold a crayon I've been drawing using any medium I could get my hands on. Even my math books used to be filled with equations and tessellations in equal amounts (think M.C. Escher's repetitive works, he's actually my fave artist). So I attempted a Bachelor of Visual Arts at University - whereby I became extremely disillusioned with the whole system, man. Basically said art course was designed to make me a gallery curator, not an actual artist.
So though I never technically finished it, I walked away with a lot of knowledge of arty things that I've been striving to work on ever since. This last year my art stuff has gotten exponentially better, and forgive my advertising but if you're interested you can see it at http://phoenixfireart.com.au - or my facebook fan page http://facebook.com/phoenixfireartau
My fiance moved from the US (Florida) to be with me Feb 2013 and we're trying to get him a permanent Visa so he can get a better job than I can, and then I can quit working a stupid dayjob and finally be a professional artist bum and hermit from the entire world. Dreeeeeeeeeeeams. So close, but ever so far.
What are some of your favorite things?
Bands: Evanescence above all else. For some reason their music speaks to me in ways that nothing else does, has or probably ever will. Linkin Park, Trapt, Breaking Benjamin, Korn, Eminem, Offspring... I have an eclectic taste in music and have at least one fave band from each genre if I think about it hard enough.
Fave Food: Uh... I don't know that I have one. I love Nutella. Everyone does. Green Apples when I can get them. Pears. Chocolate, of course. Honeycomb.
Reading: Particularly Patricia Cornwall, who's my fave author. I love her forensic fiction novels. Also my fave series is The Pendragon Cycle by Stephen R Lawhead. Quite the opposite in that it's completely fantasy, but based on Merlin and Arthur, and knights of the round table, etc. Completely worth the read, I need to finish acquiring the series and reread it again.
And R.A. Salvadore's fantastical Drizzt Do'Urden novels. I'm a D&Der irl (on occasion, not as often as I'd like unfortunately) and Drizzt was a great inspiration to my first and fave character. I loved 'living' her story, so much so that it's all still locked in my head. Along with a bunch of other fantasy novels that I never seem to have time or inspiration to actually write. Someday.
Drawing. My tablet ~hugs it tightly~. My tablet PC ~Hugs that too~.

My finace.
What's the one thing in the universe that you just can't stand?
I have to agree with Sam. Apathy and Indifference. One of the best quote's that stuck with me for a long time comes from the movie The Boondock Saints.
"And I am reminded, on this holy day, of the sad story of Kitty Genovese. As you all may remember, a long time ago, almost thirty years ago, this poor soul cried out for help time and time again, but no person answered her calls. Though many saw, no one so much as called the police. They all just watched as Kitty was being stabbed to death in broad daylight. They watched as her assailant walked away. Now, we must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most, and that is the indifference of good men."
What are you working on these days to make yourself a more amazing person?
I'm trying to make myself a better person and a better artist. Constantly trying to teach myself new skills, to expand my business, to make a name for myself. I give away free art every month because I like seeing people have a smile on their face, and if I can draw them something that does that then who am I to say no. My freebies list is actually longer than my commissions list right now. I give more away then I sell. Which sucks because I kinda need the income, but I think the happiness is more important in the end.
I'm constantly available to talk to if/when people need me. No matter what's going on in my life, I'll drop it all for a friend if they reach out and ask for help. Do what I can, when I can, however I can. Sometimes that can be a bit... taxing, I suppose. Constantly being there for everyone else, and not always feeling like I have someone there for me. But that's just how I am. I deal with my stresses, and help others with their burdens. Art is my escape, and I really need to do more of it.
MeaKitty: The Resident Kitty Artist
See my work at PhoenixFire Art
Also Graphic Artist and Web Designer
See my other work at Weird Dreams Ink
~| GooglePlus |Facebook | Twitter | Sketchfest |~
Merchandise Available to support Me
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Or just pledge to support me directly
~| My Patreon |~
Tell us about yourself. What's your story?
Also from Grinnell (WHAT ARE THE CHANCES!?), but my story does not intersect at the same point that Sam's and Seth's do. I love science. FUCKING LOVE IT. And not just the exciting stuff, but the boring-as-all-hell nitty gritty. I ended up digging deep into genetics and molecular biology in college (at the University of Chicago), taught there after graduation as a teaching assistant for a year, did some traveling, taught myself C++ and Python, worked as a lab tech doing drug screens at Washington University (in St Louis, MO) for a year, got married, and then started grad school at the University of Texas Southwestern. WHEW. I've been doing research for the past 4 years, turned in my dissertation A WEEK AGO TODAY, and will receive my PhD on July 18.
And then I'm going to join Butterscotch.
"WTF!? BUT WHAT ABOUT THE SCIENCE?" I hear you asking. I still love the science, but there is a lot of non-science horseshit going on in that realm and doing it for a living would require being a shitty husband, brother, son, friend, ETC. It turns out that making games is not so different from doing science anyway.
What are some of your favorite things?
Cheez-Its. Those things are like drugs. Also science (did I mention that?), arguing with people, analyzing data, making beautiful graphs, coding, writing sci-fi, and telling people that they are wrong. Also profanity; maybe you noticed.
What's the one thing in the universe that you just can't stand?
Sexism, racism, and homophobia. It's all one thing: idiocy. We grow up in a damn-prejudiced society so we can't help but have some residual "isms." But anyone who doesn't try to be a better person and admit to, and let go of, those backwards-assed behaviors should be CUT OFF. I fall squarely into the Andrew Ti camp on this stuff (check out http://yoisthisracist.com/ to see what I mean). I am grateful for the work that people like Anita Sarkeesian (of Feminist Frequency) are doing to fight sexism in gaming, and I hope to see more of the same for racism and homophobia.
What are you working on these days to make yourself a more amazing person?
FINISHING MY DAMN PHD. And then: (1) learning how to cook; (2) getting into shape; (3) learning electronics; (4) going into fulltime game development.
Tell us about yourself. What's your story?
I'm Joseph and I'm 13 years old. I'm in High school in Australia but I have a Korean background. Thats pretty much it...
What are some of your favourite things?
Eating, playing strategy games, playing indie games, not ice skating...
What's the one thing in the universe that you just can't stand?
People who are generally annoying to everyone.
What are you working on these days to make yourself a more amazing person?
Just being nice to everyone and throwing random facts around here and there.
Wow, this is awesome. Way more Australians then I figured there would be. Yay!
MeaKitty: The Resident Kitty Artist
See my work at PhoenixFire Art
Also Graphic Artist and Web Designer
See my other work at Weird Dreams Ink
~| GooglePlus |Facebook | Twitter | Sketchfest |~
Merchandise Available to support Me
~| Redbubble | Zazzle |~
Or just pledge to support me directly
~| My Patreon |~
You crazy upside-down folks!
Butterscotch Shenanigans
Games Programmer
I was going to write this anyway, but then the newsletter told me to do it so I thought I'd better do it NOW:
Tell us about yourself. What's your story?
There are those who call me... Tim! I am a 30-something year-old programmer, game developer, and writer from St Louis, Mo. An IGDA member, too. I have a 7-year old daughter, write medical billing software to pay the bills, make games as Tile Isle to keep the sanity, and write the script for a popular Webcomic: Aikonia.
What are some of your favorite things?
Games: FFVII, Ratchet & Clank 3, Pokémon (Gen I & II), Super Metroid, Zeldas 1, 3 and 4, WoW, Skyrim, and indie games.
I read a lot of things, but I love Terry Pratchett and his Discworld series (I own all 40 books so far!) The Brothers' War is my favorite book, though.
I listen to a lot of Chiptune, game music remixes, Nerdcore Hiphop, and Electric Six.
What's the one thing in the universe that you just can't stand?
What are you working on these days to make yourself a more amazing person?
I am making games and trying to turn it into a money-making, self-sustaining business! Dealing with other things, too... dunno how it's going to work out, yet.
Tim's World | Tile Isle | Aikonia
I wish my name was Tim just so I could say this.
Butterscotch Shenanigans
Games Programmer
Whoa, was it EVER 'not cool'? I DON'T THINK SO
Tim's World | Tile Isle | Aikonia
Tell us about yourself. What's your story?
Grew up in St. Louis. Sucked at sports but ran a few marathons when I was in high school then was a decent bike racer in college at U of Colorado (have a few former teammates who rode in the Tour de France on Armstrong's team). Studied marketing and graphic design but only spent a couple of years building websites before I decided I just wasn't that good of a graphic designer. Self-published comic books, which led to a brief writing gig with Marvel Comics which I dropped because you're so limited in what you can do with a character who's already had literally hundreds of stories told about them. Got married to a girl I had a thing for in high school but didn't have the guts to ask out back then. Had a boy and a girl (now 8 and 6, respectively, and they're an absolute delight). I work in private equity as my day job. Just finished my first novel and am pumped to get going full-time on a game (which, coincidentally, I am starting on tonight!)
What are some of your favorite things?
Books - Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman, Brandon Sanderson
Comic Books - Brian K Vaughan, Brian Michael Bendis, Rick Remender
Music - 2 Skinnee J's, Cibo Matto, The Clash
Movies - Robert Zemeckis, David Fincher, Wes Anderson
Games - addicted to Halo multiplayer
What's the one thing in the universe that you just can't stand?
country music
What are you working on these days to make yourself a more amazing person?
Not wasting time. Seriously. I am so easily sidetracked I think I'd double my work output if I could stay on task so I'm focusing on constantly being conscious of whether I'm being productive or not and redirecting myself if I'm not. Hopefully it eventually becomes automatic to stay on one thing at a time.
Favourite Things:
Finding new favourite things, I enjoy new experiences and travelling...and coffee, because new things can be tiring.
The Thing I Can't Stand:
Xenophobia, where you come from shouldn't be the basis for why you dislike a person, and bureaucracy because there is no legitimate reason you need the same information countless times, written in exactly the same way.
What I'm Working On To Make Myself A More Amazing Person:
Working on myself, learning to accept the ups and downs all as part of one experience. That and studying for my citizenship test (woohoo, dual citizenship!)
Forgot to mention I was on the newsletter, because I liked you guys before it was cool...now gimmie the hipster badge. (:
@R4V3N Which thing that you've done is your favorite so far? Pretty sweet that you have such a breadth of experience.
Hello there !
Tell us about yourself. What's your story?
My name's Benoît, alias : CBenoit (or Benoit87, Colin and BCrisvey as appropriate). I'm 18 year old since May. I am a french guy.
In september, I'll be in an engineering school thanks to my exams results, but since I'm only 18 years old, it's still the real start of my studies and there's not much to say about that. I did pretty well my school years until now.
By the way, I'm a friend of Ulnarevern (yes, I recognized you, dude, usual avatar !). That's him who bring me to this forum recently. And I'm working on a game with him ! I'll probably tell more someday.
What are some of your favorite things?
Banjo & Kazoie and Banjo & Tooie, Donkey kong 64, Fire Emblem
serie, Star wars : Rogue Squadron serie, Worms serie, Mount & Blade,
FFVII : Crisis Core and Minecraft (since beta 1.2), ... (mainly).
I love video games since my early childhood. (some of my favorites games : Metal Gear Solid serie, Zelda, Mario 64, Deus Ex (seriously
By the way, I created a minecraft server more than 1 year ago now (minigames only, around 50 players averge, only in french).
I love even more computer science : I can program several hours without being bored, and every day / weeks / months if I'm inspired. Here some languages that I studied during my short life : Python, PHP, HTML5 / CSS3, Ti-Basic, Axe Parser, C, C++ and finally Java (just to modify programs for my needs or help friends). I started when I was 9 years old with a well-known educational program : Scratch (by the MIT), and then with Game Develop, a great software to develop full games easily, by Florian Rival. If you want create game, check it as soon as possible ! Available in french and in english !
I'm seriously working on C++ to rewrite a faster game started with Python.
And, I enjoy reading books as well. Science fiction with Isaac Asimov, scientifical (?) with Oliver Sacks (The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat), fantastic, and more.
Eventually, I love animes and japanese music / video games OST (not only, but largely). I loved so many japaneses animes, recently for example : dothack//SIGN and Baccano.
What's the one thing in the universe that you just can't stand?
Don't really know, sorry. But there's probably something.What are you working on these days to make yourself a more amazing person?
Since I have some difficulties to sleep at night (and day of course), I'm trying to learn breathing techniques relax myself.
I think that's all you have to know about me, I hope that we will get along well !
I'm Patrick, and I do music for a living. I teach guitar/bass/ukulele/piano/whatev lessons, and record local bands through my personal studio and studios around town. I am also half of Fat Bard, the game music/FX duo that is currently doing sound for BScotches upcoming game Crashlands. Oh and every now and then I gig and play in cover bands/rock bands/jazz duos and such. Used to do it a lot, but with a wife and kid that is tougher to pull off.
What are some of your favorite things?
Outside of music I love most forms of games, a tid bit of TV/Films, and big book series. My steam account is zxcvbnmqp (bottom row of keys + q + p) if you wanna play something. Not a MOBA fan, but I will play DOTA 2 if you severely twist my arm. My current game is Divinity Original Sin. It's freaking fantastic if you're into old school RPG's based off of DnD. While it's not the same system it's similar. The combat is turn based, but otherwise a similar game would be Neverwinter Nights or Baldurs Gate.
What's the one thing in the universe that you just can't stand?
People that think they know everything. If you always have a witty comeback or want to argue with everything I say then don't talk to me
. Even if you're a professional in your field have a professional attitude and be humble. You're never too good to help other's, and never too good to be helped. I've been humbled by many amazing people in my life and I'm always learning.
What are you working on these days to make yourself a more amazing person?
I'm currently getting in some kind of shape. I've been running a good deal thanks to some encouragement/whipping from Sam at BScotch. I'm also learning more and more about game development in general from the STL Game Dev group.
Patrick Crecelius, part of the game scoring and FX duo Fat Bard. Currently working with BScotch on Crashlands and Narwhal Online.
there is a little taste testing but there are various tests for color and purity of the sugar, it can be a taxing job but it is one of the most interesting things i have ever done. I had never thought about how sugar is processed and refined, all i knew was that it was in a bag on the shelf in the store.
Butterscotch Shenanigans
Games Programmer
Really, Seth?
Tim's World | Tile Isle | Aikonia
Butterscotch Shenanigans
Games Programmer
AW YEAH TRASH CZAR! This guy can brew some beer.
Butterscotch Shenanigans
Games Programmer
Let's not forget his talent and devotion for trash and all trash related issues.
Patrick Crecelius, part of the game scoring and FX duo Fat Bard. Currently working with BScotch on Crashlands and Narwhal Online.
Butterscotch Shenanigans
Games Programmer
What's my story?
I DID NOT GROW UP IN GRINNELL, IA. though i'm kind of interested in visiting this magical land some day.
no, actually i've grown up around St. Louis, MO (in the county... actually out in the sticks... sort of around Six Flags) and lived in the area most of my life (i need to travel more).
i knew from an early age that i wanted to be an animator at Disney. around 5th or 6th grade, some friends of mine introduced me to Wolverine and comic books, and from then on i knew i wanted to make comics for Marvel. i was never very good at doing school work. so then i went to SCAD for sequential art and decided to continue not doing school work. after a few semesters of doing nothing i decided i should probably not waste more money. so then i came home and continued to waste money at the community college (and not do work). there's a trend here... (i should probably point out that i drew ALL THE FUCKING TIME up until this point)
then somewhere around 2000? i was fortunate to have a friend of the family invite me to teach a summer camp on cartooning. it was pretty cool! so i've been teaching drawing cartoons and anime to kids since then.
then a few years back i found the Game Dev Meetup and had a revelation-- I CAN MAKE VIDEO GAMES?!??? so that is currently my new focus (when not teaching and delivering pizzas).
What are some of my favorite things?
drawing, comics, games, music... i read mostly indie graphic novels and manga now; i play mostly indie and retro video games (TOO MANY HUMBLE BUNDLES!!!)-- i don't do either often enough. i like a lot of electronic music, alternative or indie rock, industrial, and soundtracks (film and games). i'm definitely fond of female singers as well. check my last.fm if you want specifics. also, i'm addicted to the library. i like to check stuff out and then not read it. i'm also fond of how-to-draw books and creativity/art self-help type books hoping that one of them will somehow make me more motivated (some times i read those). oh, and also i'm addicted to the INTERNETS!
What's the one thing in the universe that you just can't stand?
people who don't tip sufficiently (or at all).
What are you working on these days to make yourself a more amazing person?
trying to get a handle on those pixels and vectors, as well as animation (for games of course). also trying to get some damn comics done! i'm in desperate need of some structure and organization in my life.
Tell us about yourself. What's your story?
Well, I'm only 13 and so i feel that I don't have too much to say, life just hasn't thrown its worst at me... yet. I live in England and am originally from Bangladesh and, although my parents lived most of their lives here, they still follow the social traditions of Bangladesh- no games, more work- and so most of the time I just study and study. That means that gaming is very restricted and that is exactly why it took me almost four weeks just to beat Pete in Quadropus Rampage. Hehe!! However, although it is very tiring, I believe that its worth it since I have the glory of going up on stage for an academic reward every so often in school. Also, it's very nice to know that I am one of the best in the year.
Many of my friends are also very much like me- vicious workers studying day and night- and they are exactly what came up with my infamous nickname, "beast." It's mainly because I have a short temper which I just completely let loose while participating in some kind of physical activity like football. I guess it's like rampaging or something (Hurrah to the references to Quadropus Rampage!!).
What are some of your favorite things?
Brown paper packages tied up with string? LOL!! Are you guys telepathic or something because that's exactly what I was about to write... if I were to go completely cuckoo and fall in love with a marshmallow. Of course not! One of my favourite things in the world is probably gaming. Although it's treated like drug addiction or something along the lines of that in our house, I still do it almost every day<= HAHA rebel!!! I love gaming, especially on android and PC since I suck when it comes to console which I think is primarily because I rarely ever play and I'm always on my laptop or tablet. Without gaming, my life would be incomplete, and probably would be as bored as hell when I have nothing to do.
My favourite subjects are computing, science and mathematics. I just them all so interesting and they are what I look most forward to when I start studying. I would love to go into jobs to do with programming since I really like the outcome of all that hard work- possibly a beautiful game like Towelfight 2 ;D. Science, is just plain interesting and another job aspiration which I really would like to be is a doctor- there's money, saving people's lives and variation in routine. Finally, maths is probably one of my favourite among these 3 subjects as I am just naturally extremely good at it. Wait, what's that? You want proof? I won best in the school in a maths test which was done by everyone and I am so proud of it haha XD!! Those big beefy guys a couple of years older were beaten disgracefully by a 13 year old!!!
What's the one thing in the universe that you just can't stand?
Smoking. It kills, pollutes, stinks... I could go on all day but my main point is that I find that it's completely stupid- no offence is meant to those here that do such a repulsive thing- I just hope that you find the strength to quit.
What are you working on these days to make yourself a more amazing person?
It's possible to make myself more amazing? OF COURSE NOT!! Well of course not in my dreams
. Nowadays I am really determined to gain a six pack- YEAH!!- and really build up my muscle since people just say that I'm so skinny. Also, I'm trying to learn how to program in Python, it's the very first ever language that I'm learning and so far, I've learnt most of the basics. I really want to make my own game, alike to those you guys create, maybe not so complex though. I would really appreciate it if you could give me any tips and, I'm just wondering, what programming language do you guys use mostly to programme games? Thnx for reading!! Especially if you read all the way up to here- whoa that must have been boring though- so many words! Plese do excase any stupid mestakes I'v mede hehe!!
Just a random guy!