Just made it to space! Perk didn't show 100% at first, took some time to update I guess. I feel like slide wheel controls should be default, or make it clearer that there are two control options cause I didn't see it for awhile. Maybe an option to change the direction (slide up rotate left instead of slide up rotate right). Also some way to see what the max upgrade will give you would be nice. There's no way for a player to know that upgrading armor will eventually give you three starting armor. Worm food is kind of useless? I didn't upgrade it fully but once you pass your first bunch of worms (which can be avoided easily), you're out of worm food! An option to choose when to use the worm food would make it much more useful. Really fun! (and frustrating ha).
- Why not making the post-collision protection last depending on the speed/obstacle collision? It is annoying from time to time that colliding with one thing makes you collide to a other one and boom you're dead. Except if it's a choice you made then I'm okay with that.
- The worm slowdown happens once the worm by itself is showing and stay until the hole of the worm get outside the screen. It seems (my eyes may trick me) that once the worm itself is not on-screen anymore I gain a few FPS. I hope this may help you find the cause.
- About BScotchID, and everytime you put a homemade keyboard, to put it a little bit higher (like... Let's say 10 pixels)?
- Some missions seems irrelevant from time to time. I'm really exaggerating but it would be like: travel 3000 meters and then kill 2 caveworms when you have only one or two levels of unlocks and never made it to 500 meters, or on the contrary: collect 10 coins when you have fully upgraded the magnet.
In fact it's not even really a problem by itself. It bugged me out once that's all. So you may not even consider this feedback.
- I confirm, Agility is making my game harder (slidewheel controls). Let me (try to) explain: I have a small screen and higher agility implies higher turn rates. The problem on a/my 4" screen is that it's so small that the movements become harder to control precisely. Of course it's better for big moves but precise ones are harder to perform. I hope this make sense. I have a problem that is probably more hardware oriented but it costs nothing to mention it: as long as I keep one finger permanently on screen, I can only touch the rest 4 or 5 times. The "finger counter" does not reset (or something like that) so I need to keep my finger off the screen and use the sidewheel only when I have to turn (sometimes it may be better to keep the finger on it. And more precise)
- Why not a BScotchID topic and a list with all the persons who have a BScotchID?
- Why not adding a system to classify our friends? By name/level/last game played and so on
- Will there be a web page to access BScotchID? And will we be able to see what the other players did?
- I think that's all for now
French, low end phone, low skill early access tester. Or something like that. Or absolutely nothing like that. I also spend my time editing my own posts because it's a nice community here.
The bouncing was indeed a choice to add difficulty and HILARITY.
We'll see if Seth's no-particle option helps out the worm problem.
We can probably move the keyboard up a bit. We have to make sure the thing works devices that are almost square and those that are super-wide, so getting a good UI that's also nicely functional is always a pain.
Some missions are irrelevant! We wanted a really wide range of difficulty so that you could have some stretch goals, would have a hard time always winning, but on the other side wouldn't end up having all missions suddenly be too difficult. If it only annoyed you once I think we pulled it off
I can see how that agility thing could be a problem. We'll think through some options to deal with it. As for the multi-finger thing, I've never heard of that problem so it probably is a device problem. Sorry about that!
And finally, the BSID stuff. We're hoping to have, someday, a few hundred thousand BSIDs, so a list of everyone wouldn't be very practical! Plus we want to make it a little private, sort of like Steam, so that you can find someone if you know them or see them in a leaderboard or whatever, but that there won't be a straight-up directory. Of course, players are welcome to do whatever they want with their BSIDs (including compile their own lists). And it probably would be good to have a BSID discussion in the forums, so I'll add that now (http://forums.butterscotch-shenanigans.com/categories/bscotchid)!
In your in-game friends list we do show their level and last game played, and are talking about letting you tap on that friend to see their best scores in the current game. We also want to have friends-only leaderboards at some point, and then global ones shortly after that. There are lots of ideas we're kicking around about how to expand this thing, but we're about to stop adding things and just call this "version 1." We'll come back and do a major revision sometime down the road after we've learned from all of our mistakes.
The main difficulty, currently, is that we're trying to integrate BSID into games that weren't designed around it at all. So adding things like leaderboards within the game and so on would require a lot of UI re-tooling, which we want to avoid. Our plan then is to sort of let this stuff slide for the current portfolio and start adding these features a lot more to the upcoming games. Narwhal Online is our grand experiment for this system, so we're going to try all kinds of things there. Might be a disaster.
Also, we have no idea how far we can go with BSID before its ability to serve as a revenue generator gets offset by the fact that it's also a revenue sink. We're going to add features slowly and see what happens after big game launches to make sure we can handle the maintenance and the costs.
We will put together a legit website for BSID stuff at some point, with profile pages and the like, but that's a down-the-road project. Right now we have more than we can handle trying to get web stuff working within our games, so we don't want to add another major project that isn't directly creating new games. In the meantime, I'll probably hack together some simple leaderboards and things just so we have that functionality.
À lot of answers! That was what I thought for the bouncingness but I wanted to be sure I guess.
And ok for everything else!
French, low end phone, low skill early access tester. Or something like that. Or absolutely nothing like that. I also spend my time editing my own posts because it's a nice community here.
I noticed that black holes are super random. Sometimes they help you and are great! But other times they cause you to warp just before you were about to refuel or they warp you just past a refueling station so you end up running out of fuel. I don't think such a random element that can't really be avoided is good for the game.
I thought of a fix- calculate how far you are to the next refueling station before the warp. Then warp a certain distance that is less than (or greater than, up to you) your upgraded distance value such that where you end up is the same distance from the next refueling station that you were originally. Hope that makes sense... yes?
@sam Black holes are indeed creating a lot of problems for people. Your idea does make sense, but doesn't work with the way the game is currently set up since you can upgrade the distance that black holes travel and fuel pads are placed at defined positions. We'll come up with something!
Completed the game yeah!!! Blackholes really can be deadly. Once there was one exactly after a fuel pad and sucked me right into it and it was especially frustrating because i was at 3000m and had a perfect game up to this point and now that my fuel ran out i lost all my armor. Didn't have any problems with the game other wise though Also I came up with another upgrade path you could do. Why not add critical for the duck gun where you occasionally shoot triple shots and once the gun is fully upgraded it shoots bazooka missels when the critical is triggered?
I was thinking of something: if the lags I encounter may be surprising, this makes it feel EXTREMELY DRAMATIC. And I find it kind of nice in fact, to be able to flirt with death in a classy way, like getting a few pixels close to the earthworms. A time slowdown item could be fun in fact.
French, low end phone, low skill early access tester. Or something like that. Or absolutely nothing like that. I also spend my time editing my own posts because it's a nice community here.
We're updating black holes to no long use gravity to suck you in. That way they are a random environmental feature that you can strategically choose to use (or not).
@Ulnarevern Did last night's update reduce your lag? If not, do the lower graphics settings help? Slowmo can indeed be fun, and is a major piece of one of our secret background projects, but we probably won't take the time to put it in here.
@duh8383 NOPE. Not for quite a while anyway. We are REALLY ready to get to the next new project (Narwhal Online) and finish up Crashlands. After that we'll revisit everything.
@BscotchAdam I'd say that the update may have reduced the lag a bit and the lower graphics option reduced lag a bit more but it's still lag-ish. And now I'm curious about this secret background project (thinking about this, why not give an exclusive access to game-related stuff for buttered up players?)
And two small bugs: - Earthworms keep moving when the game is paused - It is possible to pause the game multiple times so you have two or three time counters. For me the first one only unpaused the movement but not the items and the second one brought everything back to normal.
French, low end phone, low skill early access tester. Or something like that. Or absolutely nothing like that. I also spend my time editing my own posts because it's a nice community here.
Is it actually intended that there are perks you can get but can't see on your perk screen?
KIND OF... The logic is a bit fuzzy right now because there are games that don't have BSID yet but will soon, which means there are perks you can unlock but don't do anything. So it's all kinda weird at the moment.
SETH COSTER Butterscotch Shenanigans Games Programmer
@bsb333 To add to Seth's response. I'm about to overhaul the Perks to allow for seasonal and other sorts of transient perks (and avatars). The consequence should be that you'll only see that you've unlocked perks that are accessible, and if you unlock perks that later disappear you'll still have them show up on your account.
@sam One of them i think i got after i did mission where you have to kill the ducks with your dragon. I think I got another one later but I don't know what it was. And another one that i got for doing something that I want to tell if you haven't got it yet
@BscotchAdam will you leave some secret even when they are put in place? Because i don't think you should hint towards the one too much (easy to get when you know how to get it but if not...) And also how much hidden ones are there right now cause i have to get out there and find them?^^
We'll definitely have some real hidden ones in there. At the moment there are 40 planned Perks between the first 4 games (Flop Rocket, Roid Rage, Towelfight2 and Quadropus). None of them are hidden on purpose (the ones you've been seeing are "inactive" since they don't exist in the other games yet). In each game, you'll only see the Perks that are unlocked in or by that game. There are 5 Perks unlocked by Flop Rocket (you can see 3) and 4 unlocked by BSID (you can see 2, and one of the others is impossible to get until more games have active BSID integration).
@sam well (if i actally underatand how i got the second one) i will tell you as much as that: You get it for doing something that you can do the first time you play it but you wouldn't normally do ^^
About the beta of Roid Rage (and Flop rocket too for the next part): do you plan leaving some unlocks? I mean, the problem is that players will have difficulties feeling the use of spending money to unlock content if they don't get what the content is. For Roid rage that may be the first vessel. The same goes for BScotchID: if it's fully locked, players *may* be unable to understand how awesome cross content is. Plus, as it's set up now, aren't we kinda "forced" to buy both games to use the unlocked content in one game in the other game? I'm not sure of this one though I can't verify it (I don't think I have unlocked content in Flop Rocket for Roid rage)
I hope this is understandable And the new roid rage is really nice (but maybe not as raging as the previous version)
French, low end phone, low skill early access tester. Or something like that. Or absolutely nothing like that. I also spend my time editing my own posts because it's a nice community here.
Of course, none of these games were designed with BscotchID in mind, so we're trying to figure out how to make it work. The purchasing model we're trying to switch to is more like it used to be (and still is on PC) where you buy something once and then get all the stuff in it by learning how to be good at the game. And so instead of putting out games that are fully accessible for free and begging people to support us by buying things in-game that they don't need, or by buying cheats and consumables, we'll be putting out paid games that have free demo versions (non-buttered up) so that players can decide if they want the game or not.
Since we added so much content to Flop Rocket the problem was easy. We could just lock most of that content behind the Buttered Up purchase and the free version of the game still has more content than the original game in its entirety. For Roid Rage, which is a smaller game with a lot less content, the decision is not so clear. We were debating a few models, including that the game would stay as-is but with the in-app purchases removed, where buying BscotchID would remove ads and give access to all BscotchID features. The other model is the current one, where we lock ships behind that purchase as well. We actually have a pretty strong internal disagreement about this choice!
While you put "forced" in quotes, you didn't need to; we are forcing people to buy both games to access the perks! The Perks system is part of the paid-for game, and so any player who wants to use a particular perk will need to purchase both games to do so. It totally makes sense if you don't start with the premise that games should be free. It's really easy to start with that premise on mobile because the platform has been so deeply screwed up by the model.
The idea is that by buying into BscotchID the value of all of your games goes up over time. Every time we add a new game with Perks going to and from other games, all games become more interesting. And note that we will not set up Perks that are in any way required for balanced gameplay, so that you will never have to buy a game you don't want to successfully play a game that you like.
Of course, none of these games were designed with BscotchID in mind, so we're trying to figure out how to make it work. [...] For Roid Rage, which is a smaller game with a lot less content, the decision is not so clear. We were debating a few models [...]
I've made a suggestion in the Roid Rage section about it (let's put the conversation where it belongs. You probably already had this idea but we never know.
We are forcing people to buy both games to access the perks!
I'm okay with the idea by itself but don't you risk to make things irritating when you'll have a lot of games with perks? I mean, even if it's not necessary to unlock them, this may be unpleasant to feel like "Oh well I should buy Crashlands at 10$ to get that thing... Nope". On the other hand this may feel like "Oh hell I'll buy this game, play the crap out of it and then I'll have everything unlocked". Or something like "I bought 5 games and I still have to buy 2 to complete my perks thing". I'm just worrying a bit. I don't really mind personally and once again you probably have considered this option but yet I put it here just in case.
And note that we will not set up Perks that are in any way required for balanced gameplay, so that you will never have to buy a game you don't want to successfully play a game that you like.
It honors you! And thank you!
French, low end phone, low skill early access tester. Or something like that. Or absolutely nothing like that. I also spend my time editing my own posts because it's a nice community here.
- Why not making the post-collision protection last depending on the speed/obstacle collision? It is annoying from time to time that colliding with one thing makes you collide to a other one and boom you're dead. Except if it's a choice you made then I'm okay with that.
- The worm slowdown happens once the worm by itself is showing and stay until the hole of the worm get outside the screen. It seems (my eyes may trick me) that once the worm itself is not on-screen anymore I gain a few FPS. I hope this may help you find the cause.
- About BScotchID, and everytime you put a homemade keyboard, to put it a little bit higher (like... Let's say 10 pixels)?
- Some missions seems irrelevant from time to time. I'm really exaggerating but it would be like: travel 3000 meters and then kill 2 caveworms when you have only one or two levels of unlocks and never made it to 500 meters, or on the contrary: collect 10 coins when you have fully upgraded the magnet. In fact it's not even really a problem by itself. It bugged me out once that's all. So you may not even consider this feedback.
- I confirm, Agility is making my game harder (slidewheel controls). Let me (try to) explain: I have a small screen and higher agility implies higher turn rates. The problem on a/my 4" screen is that it's so small that the movements become harder to control precisely. Of course it's better for big moves but precise ones are harder to perform. I hope this make sense.
I have a problem that is probably more hardware oriented but it costs nothing to mention it: as long as I keep one finger permanently on screen, I can only touch the rest 4 or 5 times. The "finger counter" does not reset (or something like that) so I need to keep my finger off the screen and use the sidewheel only when I have to turn (sometimes it may be better to keep the finger on it. And more precise)
- Why not a BScotchID topic and a list with all the persons who have a BScotchID?
- Why not adding a system to classify our friends? By name/level/last game played and so on
- Will there be a web page to access BScotchID? And will we be able to see what the other players did?
- I think that's all for now
I also spend my time editing my own posts because it's a nice community here.
The bouncing was indeed a choice to add difficulty and HILARITY.
We'll see if Seth's no-particle option helps out the worm problem.
We can probably move the keyboard up a bit. We have to make sure the thing works devices that are almost square and those that are super-wide, so getting a good UI that's also nicely functional is always a pain.
Some missions are irrelevant! We wanted a really wide range of difficulty so that you could have some stretch goals, would have a hard time always winning, but on the other side wouldn't end up having all missions suddenly be too difficult. If it only annoyed you once I think we pulled it off
I can see how that agility thing could be a problem. We'll think through some options to deal with it. As for the multi-finger thing, I've never heard of that problem so it probably is a device problem. Sorry about that!
And finally, the BSID stuff. We're hoping to have, someday, a few hundred thousand BSIDs, so a list of everyone wouldn't be very practical! Plus we want to make it a little private, sort of like Steam, so that you can find someone if you know them or see them in a leaderboard or whatever, but that there won't be a straight-up directory. Of course, players are welcome to do whatever they want with their BSIDs (including compile their own lists). And it probably would be good to have a BSID discussion in the forums, so I'll add that now (http://forums.butterscotch-shenanigans.com/categories/bscotchid)!
In your in-game friends list we do show their level and last game played, and are talking about letting you tap on that friend to see their best scores in the current game. We also want to have friends-only leaderboards at some point, and then global ones shortly after that. There are lots of ideas we're kicking around about how to expand this thing, but we're about to stop adding things and just call this "version 1." We'll come back and do a major revision sometime down the road after we've learned from all of our mistakes.
The main difficulty, currently, is that we're trying to integrate BSID into games that weren't designed around it at all. So adding things like leaderboards within the game and so on would require a lot of UI re-tooling, which we want to avoid. Our plan then is to sort of let this stuff slide for the current portfolio and start adding these features a lot more to the upcoming games. Narwhal Online is our grand experiment for this system, so we're going to try all kinds of things there. Might be a disaster.
Also, we have no idea how far we can go with BSID before its ability to serve as a revenue generator gets offset by the fact that it's also a revenue sink. We're going to add features slowly and see what happens after big game launches to make sure we can handle the maintenance and the costs.
We will put together a legit website for BSID stuff at some point, with profile pages and the like, but that's a down-the-road project. Right now we have more than we can handle trying to get web stuff working within our games, so we don't want to add another major project that isn't directly creating new games. In the meantime, I'll probably hack together some simple leaderboards and things just so we have that functionality.
I also spend my time editing my own posts because it's a nice community here.
I thought of a fix- calculate how far you are to the next refueling station before the warp. Then warp a certain distance that is less than (or greater than, up to you) your upgraded distance value such that where you end up is the same distance from the next refueling station that you were originally. Hope that makes sense... yes?
Didn't have any problems with the game other wise though
Also I came up with another upgrade path you could do. Why not add critical for the duck gun where you occasionally shoot triple shots
and once the gun is fully upgraded it shoots bazooka missels when the critical is triggered?
A time slowdown item could be fun in fact.
I also spend my time editing my own posts because it's a nice community here.
@duh8383 NOPE. Not for quite a while anyway. We are REALLY ready to get to the next new project (Narwhal Online) and finish up Crashlands. After that we'll revisit everything.
And now I'm curious about this secret background project
And two small bugs:
- Earthworms keep moving when the game is paused
- It is possible to pause the game multiple times so you have two or three time counters. For me the first one only unpaused the movement but not the items and the second one brought everything back to normal.
I also spend my time editing my own posts because it's a nice community here.
Butterscotch Shenanigans
Games Programmer
@bsb333 Which perk did you unlock that you can't see?
I mean, the problem is that players will have difficulties feeling the use of spending money to unlock content if they don't get what the content is. For Roid rage that may be the first vessel. The same goes for BScotchID: if it's fully locked, players *may* be unable to understand how awesome cross content is.
Plus, as it's set up now, aren't we kinda "forced" to buy both games to use the unlocked content in one game in the other game? I'm not sure of this one though I can't verify it (I don't think I have unlocked content in Flop Rocket for Roid rage)
I hope this is understandable
And the new roid rage is really nice
I also spend my time editing my own posts because it's a nice community here.
Since we added so much content to Flop Rocket the problem was easy. We could just lock most of that content behind the Buttered Up purchase and the free version of the game still has more content than the original game in its entirety. For Roid Rage, which is a smaller game with a lot less content, the decision is not so clear. We were debating a few models, including that the game would stay as-is but with the in-app purchases removed, where buying BscotchID would remove ads and give access to all BscotchID features. The other model is the current one, where we lock ships behind that purchase as well. We actually have a pretty strong internal disagreement about this choice!
While you put "forced" in quotes, you didn't need to; we are forcing people to buy both games to access the perks! The Perks system is part of the paid-for game, and so any player who wants to use a particular perk will need to purchase both games to do so. It totally makes sense if you don't start with the premise that games should be free. It's really easy to start with that premise on mobile because the platform has been so deeply screwed up by the model.
The idea is that by buying into BscotchID the value of all of your games goes up over time. Every time we add a new game with Perks going to and from other games, all games become more interesting. And note that we will not set up Perks that are in any way required for balanced gameplay, so that you will never have to buy a game you don't want to successfully play a game that you like.
I'm okay with the idea by itself but don't you risk to make things irritating when you'll have a lot of games with perks? I mean, even if it's not necessary to unlock them, this may be unpleasant to feel like "Oh well I should buy Crashlands at 10$ to get that thing... Nope". On the other hand this may feel like "Oh hell I'll buy this game, play the crap out of it and then I'll have everything unlocked".
Or something like "I bought 5 games and I still have to buy 2 to complete my perks thing".
I'm just worrying a bit. I don't really mind personally and once again you probably have considered this option but yet I put it here just in case.
It honors you! And thank you!
I also spend my time editing my own posts because it's a nice community here.