Quadropus Rampage v2.0 Early Access

bscotchAdambscotchAdam Administrator, Moderator, Tester Posts: 399 Developer
edited December 2014 in Quadropus Rampage
It's that time again! We're just plowing through our portfolio, trying to get BscotchID up and running to make the best damn gaming experience(s) possible.

We just finished integrating BscotchID into Quadropus Rampage for Android. As with Roid Rage and Flop Rocket, we have added an In-App Purchase to ButterUp after logging into your account. Also like those games, during the testing period we'll be dropping the Quadropus ButterUp price to $0.99 to say "THANKS!" and as a way of apologizing for the inevitable crashes and data loss (Early Access at your own risk!).

So what all comes with this update? Well, the regular game is the same as in the last version, with a bunch of bugfixes. All the new stuff is with BscotchID. Here are some of the changes:

Regular Quadropus Rampage
  • Bugfix: Pete can actually be defeated (apparently this is important...).
  • Backup saving removed. It was conflicting with BscotchID profiles. So if you don't Butter Up, you may want to find a new way to back up your save file.
  • An Orb Bank was added to track the orbs you WOULD have gotten with the orb doubler purchase. Now, when you finally decide to show us your love we'll show you right back by giving you ALL OF THOSE ORBS!
  • There is also a Doubloon Bank, that tracks the Doubloons you WOULD have gotten (on average) by Buttering Up. Get them all after your purchase.
  • Lots of BscotchID tweaks that will find their way into Flop Rocket and Roid Rage.

Buttered Up Quadropus Rampage (Early Access price: $0.99. Final price: $2.99-3.99)
  • The drop rate for Doubloons is WAY HIGHER. Like, 4 or 5 times higher. (Still in flux.)
  • The Orb->Doubloon conversion rate is reduced by 25%.
  • A bunch of awesome Perks (listed below).
  • Cloud saving, so you can get right back where you left off on any device.
  • Friends-only leaderboards via BscotchID (we left Google Play Games in-place, since there are a lot of people on it).
  • Ads permanently removed.
(Requires ButterUp in both games that define the Perk. QR=Quadropus, FR=Flop Rocket, RR=Roid Rage, TF=Towelfight2)
  • Floppy Rampage; Beat Petemare (QR)-> Kill 15 space ducks, get a forcefield (FR)
  • Lucky SPACE Coin; Resurrect 50 times (QR)-> Juice Jockey can find and use the Lucky Coin (RR)
  • The Perfect Fit; Defeat Pete (QR)-> Pete as Jectile (TF -- not yet implemented)
  • Dreamcatcher; Find 20 Lucky Coins (QR)-> Lucky Coin avatar
  • And STAY DOWN; Beat Pete's Reckoning (QR)-> Hell Pete avatar
  • Millenial; Clear 1000 lifetime depths (QR)-> Quadropus Meditating avatar
  • Bags on Bags; 20 simultaneous artifacts (QR)-> Grubby avatar
  • Bingo, FETCH!; 500 Bingo kills (QR)-> Bingo avatar
  • Duck Hunter; Destroy 200 space ducks (FR)-> Grubby now sells Spaceducks! (QR)
  • Aquatic Intern; 30 juice in one run (RR)-> Find crashed Intern ships under the sea, providing free rampages (QR)
  • DANGIT, RICHARD; Beat Hard Mode Richard (TF -- not yet implemented)-> Scubella Pet (QR)
  • Don't go alone!; Have 5 friends -> Butterscotch themed Bingo skin (QR)

Where to give feedback, in order of our preference (meaning our likelihood of seeing and therefore fixing it):
  1. Via the in-game FEEDBACK button (this sends us your BscotchID, so we know who to reply to);
  2. Via email to support@butterscotch-shenanigans.com;
  3. Via this forum (@bscotchAdam@bscotchSeth‌, @bscotchSam), either in this thread or by PM;
  4. Via the Google Play Early Access Group (we hate that interface!).
Please be as clear and concise as possible about what you see. "It doesn't work" tells us jack squat (which makes me wonder, WTF does that idiom even mean?), but "Right after I kill Pete in Normal mode the game crashes and the following error message appears: 'blah blah line x blah blah disaster blah oh shit blah blah'" is pretty useful!

Potential problem spots:
  1. Saving/loading (including claiming an old save with your BscotchID);
  2. Making/restoring purchases (please forward your receipt in such cases);
  3. Syncing and viewing friend stats (requires ButterUp);
  4. Perks, once unlocked, might not do what they're supposed to (requires ButterUp).
NOTE: If you make a test purchase using one of those fraud programs, please let us know the outcome (you'll see the "YOU BOUGHT A THING!" fanfare but you won't get the thing). If you are logged in at the time, let us know so we can put your account back in good standing (and tell us if you got the automated fraud message).


Well, FINE. You'll need to join the Early Access community, be logged into Google Play Store with that same account, and then you can become a Tester at this link.

Remember, this is early access, which means it can potentially have hazardous outcomes on your save file or game progress. We should be able to restore/fix most problems, but just be aware!

Thanks for your help, brave souls, and happy gaming!

Known Bugs
  • Old purchases are not being restored (only matters for things like the Orb Doubler). We're working on it!


  • CyberKlown28CyberKlown28 Bscotch Posts: 48 Babbyscotch
    edited December 2014
    Edit: Double post fail(my fault not a forum bug). Deleteee.
  • CyberKlown28CyberKlown28 Bscotch Posts: 48 Babbyscotch
    edited December 2014

    I hope this works, that is hilarious!

    When the stable update hits, will previous IAP remain there and be auto-buttered up?
  • bscotchsethbscotchseth Bscotch, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 508 Developer
    If you butter up during the Early Access phase, you'll still be buttered up when the stable release hits, and you shouldn't lose any IAPs you've already made!

    Butterscotch Shenanigans
    Games Programmer

  • UlnarevernUlnarevern Bscotch, Moderator, Tester Posts: 318 mod
    edited December 2014
    Is it me or is everything bigger than before (it may also be a bug)?
    Is it normal that Google play still asks to choose my account (twice?)?
    Is it your wish not to show icons from which game to which game the perks have an effect while not Buttered Up? (I guess the answer is "yes" but it's better to ask)

    French, low end phone, low skill early access tester. Or something like that. Or absolutely nothing like that.
    I also spend my time editing my own posts because it's a nice community here.

  • scotchstescotchste Bscotch Posts: 13 Babbyscotch
    edited December 2014
    Just installed and buttered up.

    Previous data and purchases have been honoured.

    No crashes as yet.

    Runs perfect on Nexus 5 and Lollipop.

    Insane or hardcore? Perks and game conflict.

    Finally, my dogs are waiting to meet the revised Bella and the new Scubella

  • UlnarevernUlnarevern Bscotch, Moderator, Tester Posts: 318 mod
    edited December 2014
    I'm still curious about JUICED Bella by the way and save merging worked for me too.
    @scotchste Nice dogs!
    French, low end phone, low skill early access tester. Or something like that. Or absolutely nothing like that.
    I also spend my time editing my own posts because it's a nice community here.

  • bscotchAdambscotchAdam Administrator, Moderator, Tester Posts: 399 Developer
    @Ulnarevern‌ To your first set of questions:

    Now that you mention it, things DO seem bigger. Will look into it.

    We don't really want to keep Google Play in there, but there are enough people on it that we don't want to get yelled at when we take it away :(. We'll probably make it stop asking you by default though.

    You definitely SHOULD see the game icons when not buttered up. If they don't get downloaded properly you'll just see a default icon until it gets the chance to try again. I'll make sure it's behaving properly. Dealing with asynchronous stuff and preventing game crashes when data from the web doesn't appear has been a MAJOR THORN IN MY SIDE. My priorities for all we content were to FIRST prevent crashes and SECOND show useful things. So it's designed to fail "gracefully." Might not be graceful enough o_0.

    @scotchste Thanks for the early feedback! Glad things are working so far. The code from Quadropus was old enough that we had some serious concerns about getting BscotchID in there without implosions.

    What's this about Hardcore vs. Insane? I'm not sure what you mean.

    Finally, those Bella clones are INCREDIBLY LIFE-LIKE. 
  • UlnarevernUlnarevern Bscotch, Moderator, Tester Posts: 318 mod
    @BscotchAdam‌ I'm not crazy then. It's nice to know it. And thanks for the answers :smile: 

    I think that you used both terms Hardcore and Insane for the same thing. I think. Unable to check tonight, I need to sleep.
    French, low end phone, low skill early access tester. Or something like that. Or absolutely nothing like that.
    I also spend my time editing my own posts because it's a nice community here.

  • akkmedakkmed Bscotch Posts: 20 Babbyscotch
    GAME ON!
  • bsb333bsb333 Bscotch Posts: 111 Butter Churner
    @BscotchAdam‌ Great update! I still though have the problem with peteamare being dead without killing him
  • bscotchsethbscotchseth Bscotch, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 508 Developer
    bsb333 said:
    @BscotchAdam‌ Great update! I still though have the problem with peteamare being dead without killing him
    Did you end up getting a mastery for that?

    Butterscotch Shenanigans
    Games Programmer

  • akkmedakkmed Bscotch Posts: 20 Babbyscotch
    Unable to log into bscotchid.
  • bscotchsethbscotchseth Bscotch, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 508 Developer
    AKKMED! What happens when you try? Is there a message or anything that appears?

    Butterscotch Shenanigans
    Games Programmer

  • akkmedakkmed Bscotch Posts: 20 Babbyscotch
    Sorry. I try and get a wrong password message. I tried resetting my pass and still says invalid

  • bscotchAdambscotchAdam Administrator, Moderator, Tester Posts: 399 Developer
    edited December 2014
    So you can successfully change your password but not log in? What's your username (you can PM me)?

    And can you log into the other games? When was the last time you were able to log in?

    Finally, any chance you have a '#' in both passwords? Those have special meanings in our game engine and I'm not 100% sure I dealt with them correctly.
  • Duh83Duh83 Bscotch, Tester Posts: 76 Butter Churner
    I just buttered up and I immediately had this error message pop up and it closed the game.  I did get a confirmation email from Google play that the game was purchased if you need it.  Whenever I try to open the game now it shows this message and it shuts down before it even gets to the menu. 
  • bscotchAdambscotchAdam Administrator, Moderator, Tester Posts: 399 Developer
    OH. Uh. It looks like you don't have the current version somehow. Can you update the game?
  • Duh83Duh83 Bscotch, Tester Posts: 76 Butter Churner
    It doesn't show an available update,  in the play store it's already listed as recently updated. Just went to the app settings and it says version. 2.0. 0.
  • bscotchAdambscotchAdam Administrator, Moderator, Tester Posts: 399 Developer
    It should be 2.0.1. For some reason your store page isn't refreshing, or something. If you leave the store page and repeat the search for Quadropus Rampage, restart the App Store or clear its cache if you can, or update it via a PC maybe you can find the correct one?

    It's trying to process your purchase each time it opens up, but then tries to use a variable that doesn't exist and so it crashes. Once you get the right version everything should be fine.
  • bsb333bsb333 Bscotch Posts: 111 Butter Churner
    edited December 2014
    @BscotchSeth‌ No. It just tells me he's dead and but the perk is still at zero. It's probably something that happened during the last beta testing
  • EtrusanEtrusan Bscotch Posts: 71 Babbyscotch

    1) I set my settings (control layout, sounds ...) -> I play the game, everything is fine. Then I quit. I launch the game 30 minutes later and everything is back to default. Am I doing something wrong?

    2) The game is overheating my device. I can feel it. It also kills all background apps (even stock launcher), I don't use any f*cking FB apps, so I have like ~80MB of RAM free. Then my CPU underclocks and everything becomes freaking slideshow.

    My phone is Sony Xperia Sola, stock based ROM, rooted, ICS (4.0.4), version of the game is 2.0.1

  • UlnarevernUlnarevern Bscotch, Moderator, Tester Posts: 318 mod
    edited December 2014
    @Etrusan‌ Nope there's definitely something with controls/parameters. I have the same problem, the game doesn't save control mode anymore so it may be the same with the other options.

    Your phone may be too old for this :/ even on an Xperia U it runs correctly (it does heat a lot and I have big to insane slowdowns when too many things happen on screen [I'm used to it] or when I'm rampaging, but it runs).
    By the way I heard that 4.0 and maybe 4.1 sucks in terms of performance. It may be a part of the problem.

    @BscotchSam Some frames for the spaceduck weapon have a non-transparent background. It makes a grey, partially transparent (I think) rectangle around the weapon. I'm unable to either screenshot or describe you which frames, sorry.

    I have another (minor) problem: Bingo disappeared when I started a new green/special depth while rampaging. I haven't been able to reproduce the bug, but it reappeared on the next depth. He may have play hide-and-seek too but I don't think so.

    I've also had a problem with BscotchID that was probably related to the fact that it didn't load properly (when I had only BS icons, and it is related to a sprite so yeah that may be that).I cleaned the cache and everything works again. Screenshots under the post.

    By the way, for old players, can't you add the best scores for the 1000 depths (Millenial) perk? It could be nice but I don't think it would be easy for you to do. So you may forget it.
    French, low end phone, low skill early access tester. Or something like that. Or absolutely nothing like that.
    I also spend my time editing my own posts because it's a nice community here.

  • Duh83Duh83 Bscotch, Tester Posts: 76 Butter Churner
    Fried searching for it and it still doesn't show an update.  Cleared Google plays cache and nothing.  Still unable to update
  • Duh83Duh83 Bscotch, Tester Posts: 76 Butter Churner
    Ok this was my stupid mistake. I figured it out.  I totally forgot this was early access and just buttered up. Totally forgot to go to the early access and become a tester and THEN download the update. It's working now
  • EtrusanEtrusan Bscotch Posts: 71 Babbyscotch
    Try to delete data in Google Play Services and GP. It helped in my case.
  • bscotchAdambscotchAdam Administrator, Moderator, Tester Posts: 399 Developer
    We had to totally change the saving/loading process so it looks like the control schemes somehow got lost in the shuffle. Will be fixed!

    As for the overheating etc, the pre-bscotchid update from a couple months ago was rebuilt on the then-current version of our Dev platform, which had TONS of update since the original version. As a consequence, the game tend to run better than it used to on newer devices but worse than it used to on older devices. Seth's going to try to find some places to make it more efficient, so hopefully we can offset that a bit.

    We'll leave the Millennial Perk as is to avoid game-specific logic changes to bscotchID. We'd have to make sure that the best score only gets added one time, which means we'd need to add another synced variable just for that.
  • Duh83Duh83 Bscotch, Tester Posts: 76 Butter Churner
    I noticed that even though it kept my current game, it hasn't taken into account my previous stats like the clear 1000 levels.  I'm well past that and I'm sure several other achievements.  Not sure if this is a bug or you want the achievement to start new. 
  • EtrusanEtrusan Bscotch Posts: 71 Babbyscotch
    Seth's going to try to find some places to make it more efficient, so hopefully we can offset that a bit.

    Cool, thanks!
  • bscotchAdambscotchAdam Administrator, Moderator, Tester Posts: 399 Developer
    @duh8383‌ Some of those stats weren't being tracked by the game, so while you will definitely have made progress towards e.g. the 1000 level perk, that data wasn't saved anywhere. The Perks should take into account any stats that were being tracked by the game, but will only record future events for those that weren't.
  • Duh83Duh83 Bscotch, Tester Posts: 76 Butter Churner
    Alright. I'll start the killing 
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